Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.
version 1.8
+ Slider item was disappearing when the slider category name had 2 words.(fixed)
+ Blocks disappearing issue solved.(fixed)
+ Featured Image support for all posts.(fixed)
+ Fancybox images were stretched in Chrome and Safari.(fixed)
+ Some Minor CSS fix.
version 1.7
+ Initial Release
1. How do I make the text of the site darker?
Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:
#sidebar .widgets ul li a, #single_posts .post_mid, #sidebar .widgets, #sidebar .widgets, #latest_posts .post_mid, #latest_posts .post_meta a, #latest_posts_full .post_mid, #latest_posts_full .post_meta a, #single_posts .post_meta a, .amp_page, .amp_next, .amp_prev, .footage ul li, .footage ul li a, .copy_content, .copy_content a, #footmenu, #footmenu ul li a, #comment, #single_posts #related a{color:#333!important;}
2. Where is the Summary Field of the slider? Why don’t I see it?
A: In wordpress 3.1 the custom field option is disabled on default. To enable the custom field feature go to Posts > Add New . In the post editor page at the very top click on the “Screen Options” button. Now make sure “Custom Field” option is checked.
Check this screenshot:
3. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?
A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):
#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}
Hi, just wondering if there’s a secret to adding vimeo embed code into a post? keeps saying video doesn’t exist and wondering if i’ve missed something.
just paste the link and it will be automatically shown in a video player.
Thanks for a great theme. Woudl it be possible to download the original images (in PSD format for example) ? So that we can edit the “feature” ruban and write our own text , or change colors for example ?
Just sent you the PSD ribbon. check your email.
I need to translate the theme. How can I do that?
Install the “qtranslate” plugin.
Hi, TY for the great theme! Question: How can I add an image to the header where it now just displays text? Also, is there a way to have the social buttons open to a new window?
1. you can only add image logo in the PRO version.
2. open up header.php and replace these lines:
Hello sir i have applied this theme to my site but feature images are not showing on category block. please tell me how to fix it..? check my site error here..
Are you sure you adding the “featured image” correctly. looks like you did not add he featured image to any of the posts.
ANY advice or tips-direction on how to go about making a store page with this theme? I love your work-just started my business and using your theme for my site (the lite version for now) I would like to release my fitness book on a store page & before I spend the next 24 hours trying to figure it out I thought I could pitch it out to you and see if you had any tips..I have not been successful with plugins and maybe I’m missing a step-any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again for the theme-it’s clean & beautiful-just what I was searching for.
you are actually using the Zenon Lite theme. Try this plugin:
hello and thanks for amphion Lite theme, really great. Since update to wordpress 3.5 i have some problems in the dashboard when i’m trying to add a media into a post: nothing happenend. I have made this operation on others sites with wordpress and all works fine. Some users have the same problem and it is due to the theme. Have you got the same problem since upgdate 3.5 ?
I just checked the theme with wordpress version 3.5 and I am not getting the issue.