Amphion LiteFree WordPress Theme

Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.

  • I’m probably staring right at it but how do you get the drop down menus to work?

  • Hi, the file archive.php it’s missed and have problems if i want go to any category page, how can i fixed?

    Sorry my english is sucks.

    • can you elaborate tony?

    • it’s a hard work for me, i just a newbie, but i have to try to elaborate. By the way thanks for sharing the theme it´s a great free theme

  • i need a relate item , how to? 🙁

    • what do you mean? elaborate please..

  • Why the slide images occupy only a piece? How I do? Thank you, your theme is great.

    • Hugo, Go to Appearance> Amphion Options> Slider
      and select the number of slides you want to display.

    • And the size of image of slide? Why is small and don’t accupy all slide? Thanks Towfiq!!!

    • Th width should be 575px or more and height: minimum 230px;

  • Hi, I’m testing this theme, thanks a lot for sharing

    I’ve got two questions:

    1 – I’d like to change the title post color. How can I do?

    2 – Is it possible to change the theme width? I mean both the column and the sidebar. I’m afraid this could mess up the theme.

    Thanks for your attention

    • 1. add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      #latest_posts .post_content_main h2 a, .block_mid .postitle a, #single_posts .post_content_main h2 a{color:#22AACD!important;}

    • Thanks a lot, it works great!

  • Sorry to bother you again; is it possible to change:

    1- Post text color

    2- Post tag color

    Thanx for your patience!

    • add this to your stylesheet:
      .tag_meta a{color:#333;}

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