Amphion LiteFree WordPress Theme

Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.

  • is there a way to remove the slider box

    • Yes. Go to Appearance> Editor and select “index.php” file from right and find these lines and remove them:


  • Hi! I love your theme, Amphion Lite! Would it be possible to add on the left side, next to the Facebook, Twitter and RSS button, a button directed to Google+ Pages? Seeing that they are only just now launched, it would be a great opportunity to have it as one of the first designers in Amphion! Thanks! Christian

  • Hey! Like the rest said GREAT THEME! Quick question How do I delete the bottom post without affecting my side bar and how do i change the color of the font?

    • These are already posted in the comments. Can you see the previous comments?

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