Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.
version 1.8
+ Slider item was disappearing when the slider category name had 2 words.(fixed)
+ Blocks disappearing issue solved.(fixed)
+ Featured Image support for all posts.(fixed)
+ Fancybox images were stretched in Chrome and Safari.(fixed)
+ Some Minor CSS fix.
version 1.7
+ Initial Release
1. How do I make the text of the site darker?
Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:
#sidebar .widgets ul li a, #single_posts .post_mid, #sidebar .widgets, #sidebar .widgets, #latest_posts .post_mid, #latest_posts .post_meta a, #latest_posts_full .post_mid, #latest_posts_full .post_meta a, #single_posts .post_meta a, .amp_page, .amp_next, .amp_prev, .footage ul li, .footage ul li a, .copy_content, .copy_content a, #footmenu, #footmenu ul li a, #comment, #single_posts #related a{color:#333!important;}
2. Where is the Summary Field of the slider? Why don’t I see it?
A: In wordpress 3.1 the custom field option is disabled on default. To enable the custom field feature go to Posts > Add New . In the post editor page at the very top click on the “Screen Options” button. Now make sure “Custom Field” option is checked.
Check this screenshot:
3. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?
A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):
#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}
Just a suggestion. Maybe add a Stumbleupon button on the main page and not just in the post…
I get the following error when I select “Comments” so I can delete, add, etc the comments.
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
What seams to be the issue?
Try switching to deafult twentyten theme and see if it still happens.
Is there a way to remove the webkit-animation on sidebar links, like on the “category” widget? I can’t find any entries in the css file for that.
You have to open up amphion.js from the “js” folder and remove these lines:
I would like to remove posts from the front page list, beneath the blocks, is it possible to remove a category from the list on the front page?
You really hit the nail on the head�
Towfiq – great theme
I’m looking to limit the number of posts i have on my front page – i.e. i do not want the items in “blocks” to show at all and i would like to only have 3 of 4 of my latest posts on the front page.
can you help on this?
You can set the number of posts shown on front-page from Settings> Reading
To hide all four blocks go to Appearance> Amphion Lite Options and click the “HomePage” tab
Is it possiable to have 2 boxes instead of 4? where can i change this?
I just wanted to inform you that fancybox doesn’t work correctly on your theme in google chrome.
does it stretches the images?
Is there any way of stopping the blocks from picking up information from my photo galleries below the thumbnail?
Go to Appearance> Editor and select “blocks.php” from right and delte all these lines: