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Unlinking Title

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Unlinking Title

  • #84729

    Sara Pulver

    Hello there,

    Is there anyway for the title of the page (displayed on the left hand side of the top menu bar) not to display as a link to the home page?

    Thank you.



    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Menus and create a “Link” menu item and in the url field put a hash # instead of a url and then add it to your menu.



    Thank you for your quick response!

    I don’t think I explained myself properly. I’m looking for a way to not have the title of page show up on the menu, or top navigation at all.

    Here is the current page:

    Right now, the title is not displaying on the left hand side of the menu because I have a blank character in the place of the title. (Obviously not preferable) However, you can still see that the blank character is a link when you mouse over it. I am looking for a way to ideally, title the page, but not have it show up on the left side of the menu bar, or be a hyperlink in anyway.


    Towfiq I.


    Got it. Open up page.php and remove this:

    <h1 class="postitle"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>



    Perfect, thank you so much!



    OK, I take it back, that didn’t work.

    I feel like it should have something to do with head4.php

    I’ve tried taking away a couple of things, but then it screws with the layout. Feels like I should be able to just take away that home url portion but that doesn’t do it either.



    Just played around with a few more things, and was able to get what I was looking for.

    Thanks again, sorry for all the bother!

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