Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

    • Nice!! Thanks! I will add this in the next version. 🙂

  • Hi !

    I tried to buy ur theme but i didn’t work.
    W/ Paypal and MastercardS both didn’t work.
    Do you have any issues with the payment plugin ?

    Is there another way to get the theme ?

    I’m living in France, French Cards and bankaccount !


    • Are you getting any kind of error?

  • Yes,


    The following error was detected:
    * Authorization Failed

    Mastercard :

    Your authorization failed for the following reason:
    Authorization Failed Authorization Failed
    Please go back and attempt to correct your information or choose a different payment method.

  • It’s OK Now Thank You !

  • Thank you again! Just bought the PRO version. One more inquiry: is it possible to make the logo much wider? I would love it to be the width of the entire menu bar. If so can you send me the link to the code where I can accomplish this.

    Thanks again for creating a great theme and for the prompt assistance!

    • After installing the PRO version, Go to Zenon Options and you will find a logo uploader there. You can simply upload your header images with it.

  • I have managed to change the standard thumbnail that Nivo slider uses. If the thumbnail that WordPress generates doesn’t work you can change it so each slider post can have a different thumbnail to the featured image.

    If anybody wants to do it here’s how:

    On the main page where the slider is displayed right click on the thumbnail you want to change and click ‘View Image’. Note down the name and location of the file from the address bar. The just replace this image with whatever other square image you want. A 150px x 150px works well.

    • Nice! why didnt I think of that…

  • It’s in action here – http://testsite.youthheroes.org.uk/

    The last thumbnail is different to the last featured image because the auto thumbnail didn’t look right because of the text.

  • Hi, I’ve been playing with the lite version and think it’s great but am interested in how you upload a LOGO in the PRO version. If you check our church website, we have a simple logo and wonder how that would be integrated into WP. If it integrates well, I’d be keen to upgared. Thanks

    • Yes. it can be easily added to with the PRO version.

  • Hi, just bought this theme a couple of hours back. Will I receive it via e-mail?

    • Just sent you the theme few hours back.

  • Hi, I’ve just bought the PRO version and I’ve already the lite version installed. I couldn’t find the way to upgrade as you describe in a previous post…

    • Did you receive the zip file that I sent to you via email? You will have to install the zip file via, Appearance> Themes> Install themes> Upload

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