Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • I bought the Pro Theme yesterday, and it said I would recieve it on e-mail within 24 hours. Its very close to 24 hours, and I haven´t recieved anything??

    • I received an order with invalid email address. Could this be yours? Did you get an order number emailed to you? Can you let me know your order number?

  • No, I didn´t get anything, so maybe my e-mail adress was wrong..?

    • Yes, the email address was wrong. Whats your full name? let me find your order.

  • Cecilie Bøckmann Olsen

    • Cecilie of Norway 🙂 I think I have found it. I am using your gmail that you are using for commenting on this site.

    • Sent!! check your gmail Cecilie.

  • Thank you very much =) Great theme btw.

  • Hi, I just bought your Theme. I got an Email with the receipt. But how do I get the theme to download it on my computer? RGDS Torsten

    • Sent to you an hour ago. Check your email please.

  • I’m using an event plugin (Event Manager) and the Zenon Layout 4. I’m trying to figure out how I can have the post list at the bottom of the layout display events in addition to posts. Any help would be super appreciated. Thanks for your awesome theme!

    • I dont get it. Can you elaborate it Adam?

  • Yeah… so at the bottom of the index page (after the blocks) using layout 4, there is a sidebar to the right and a main body that displays posts. I’m using an event plug in (Event Manager) and I would like to get that main body to display both posts and the events I create in the Event manager. Is there a way to do that? Does that make more sense?

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “layout4.php” from right and add this line:

       array('post', 'event') ) ); ?>

      just after this line:

  • Thank you. You’re awesome.

    So this leads me to two more questions relating to the same thing now that Events are showing:
    1) How do I get them to display according to the date of the event (sooner-later) rather than according to when I posted them?
    2) When an event description is really long, is there a way to get it to just show part of the event description and link to the actual event page if someone wants to know more?
    Thanks you! This is super helpful.

    • You will have to ask these questions to the plugin developer. Since he developed the plugin he knows better.

  • But in the events list created by the plugin developer it displays all the events in the order in which the events will occur. It’s only on the Layout 4 front page that they are displaying according to what time they were posted/updated. Do you still think this is something I should ask the plugin developer?

  • OK… nevermind about that question I decided I’m just going to get rid of that bottom section on that website. Thanks for you help though

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