Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.
  • Unlimited Skins- Ability to change the color of any elements
  • 15 Awesome fonts.
  • 3 sliders
  • 4 Layouts
  • Ajaxed pagination
  • 8 custom widgets:
  • 1-Flickr Photos
  • 2-Popular Posts
  • 3-Featured Posts
  • 4-Random Posts
  • 5-Twitter Feeds
  • 6-160×600 Skyscrapper Ad
  • 7-250 x 250 AD
  • 8-125 x125 ADs
  • 20 easy to use shortcodes.(Hard-coded in Post Editor)
  • WordPress 3.0 Menus.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Delicious, Google Plus
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Sticky Top Menu
  • Optimized for Iphone, Ipad and Android Mobile Devices.
  • Option for image logo
  • Custom Background Color/ Image
  • Related Posts
  • Video Thumbnails
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 6 custom page template
  • Fancy lightbox
  • Easy Google Analytics Integration
  • IE6-7 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+
  • Google Chrome

version 1.4
2. Fixed few Bugs in the Mobile version.
3. 3.4 Compatible.

version 1.3
Bug Fixes
The 404 page was looking weird
The Lobster font was not loading properly.
The Post share buttons were inaccessible for flawed css
Slider link wasn’t working when the “Slider Text” was disabled from the theme options.

New Features
Mobile Friendly version of the theme added for Iphone, Ipad and Android Devices.

version 1.1
+ Initial Release


1. How do I setup the slider?

A: Go to Appearance> Zenon Options> Documentation to learn how to setup the slider.

2. My slider and blocks are not showing up. why?

A: Go to Settings> Reading and select “Your latest posts” as your front page.


3. How do I change the number posts appear on the fron page?
A: Go to Settings> Reading to change the number of posts per page.
4. How can I remove the comment box from my website?

A: open up single.php, page.php and page-full_width.php and remove this:

<div><?php comments_template(”,true); ?></div>
5. How can I change the colour of the blog title?

A: Go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this to the very bottom:

.logo h1 a{color:#fff!important;}


6. How to change the order of the sildes at the front page?

A: Try editing the dates of the slides. The slide with latest date is displayed first.


7. The social links on the left redirects to 404 error page. why?

A: You forgot to add your http:// at the start of your links. eg:
8. What should be the size of slider images?

A: width- 1000px & Height- 360px
9. The post navigation button only works upto 7 pages. Then it doesnt load anything.

A: Go to Appearance> Zenon Options and disable “Ajax pagination” option.


10. how can i remove the number below the slider?

A:  Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:



11. How do I increase the size of the Menu Text?

A:  Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:18px!important; color:#333!important;}


12. The Mobile menu is always displaying the Last Menu item. How to fix that?

A: You could display the word “Menu” instead of always displaying the last menu item. to achive this, open up zenon.js and replace this:

jQuery(“#topmenu ul.menu”).tinyNav();

with this:

jQuery(“#topmenu ul.menu”).tinyNav({active: ‘selected’, header: true});


13. I can’t see the menu in mobile. why?

A: Because you did not setup the menu correctly. Go to Appearance> Menus and setup your menu.
To learn how to setup your menu watch this tutorial:


14. How to change the opacity of the social icons?

A: You will have to edit the zenon.js file. open it up and remove this:

if (jQuery.support.opacity) {
jQuery(‘.social li’).css({‘opacity’: ‘0.3’});
jQuery(‘.social li’).hoverIntent(function(){
jQuery(this).animate({ ‘opacity’: ‘1’}, 200);
}, function(){
jQuery(this).animate({‘opacity’: ‘0.3’}, 100);
15. When a message is sent from the contact page Where do the emails go to? How do I change the email address?

A: The emails go to your wordpress admin email address. And you cannot change the contact page’s degfault email address. Try a wordpress contact form plugin if you want those emails to go to another email address.


16. In Interent Explorer the slider appears with a gray border. how to fix that?

A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

#slider li img{border:none!important;}


17. The Excerp text in the Slider shows all the first letter of each word of the text in capital letter. I dont want that.

A: #slider .slider-content h2 a, #slider .slider-content a, .slider-content p{text-transform:none!important;}


18. How do I delete the “Off” symbol that appears when the cursor is waved over the post blocks on the home page?

A: Add this to your stylesheet:



19. I dont want any sidebars in any of my pages. I want my site to be full width:

A: Add these lines to the very bottom of your stylesheet:
body .single_post, .error404 .single_wrap, .error404 .single_post{ width:970px;}
body .single_skew_comm{width: 962px;}
body .single_skew_comm .skew_top_big{width: 968px;}
body .single_skew_comm .skew_top_right{ margin-top:-71px;}
body .single_skew .skew_bottom_big{width: 968px;}
body .single_skew{ width:1000px;}
body #commentform{ width:970px;}
body .comment-form-comment textarea{width: 570px;}
body .comment-form-comment{width: 600px;}
body .field_wrap{width: 340px;}
body .comment-form-author input, body .comment-form-email input, body .comment-form-url input{width: 263px;}
20. how can I change the link color inside the post? its grey.

A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

body .single_post .post_content a{color:#D73A36!important;}
21. How do I increase the height of the front page blocks?

A: Add this to your stylesheet:

.midrow_block, .mid_block_content{height:215px!important;}


22. How can I Remove Author, Post and Category-related Text from posts?

A: Open up single.php and remove these lines:
<div>On <?php the_time( get_option(‘date_format’) ); ?><?php if(of_get_option(‘dissauth_checkbox’) == “0”){ ?> by <?php the_author(); ?><?php } ?></div>

and you can disable the category names from the theme options.
23. How do I add images to my blocks?

A: Lets say you want to add an image to block 4. Open up index.php and add this line:

<img src=”your image url” />

after this:

<?php echo of_get_option(‘block4_textarea’); ?>


24. I added 3 -4 slides but my slider is showing 10+ blank slides.

A: The sharing feature of Jetpack plugin is causing this. to fix this, add this to your functions.php:

if ( function_exists( ‘sharing_display’ ) ) remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’, 19 );

Before this:

//Post Thumbnail




The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

  • Hello people!

    I hope someone can help me with my problem to me. I use the latest versions of both as woocommerce wordpress.

    After creating my wordpress page (http://Artisoof.nl) and adding woocommerce put everything ready. All preparations made to send payment etc etc. The whole website is ready.

    After taking pictures of the products, there are two steps to go. Editing the photos and adding products to the shop.

    Now I have to test some three pictures of a product made ready to test.

    Woocommerce: Add new product -> Select featured picture -> Upload new image. Resize the image as uploaded is about 4200 x some (not even know exactly how big). After having done this and have adapted to the product description and price pressure I upload product.

    And then it starts with fooling around: the picture is completely blurred. When I click on the product and to the specific product page go is the picture there is still blurred. Until you click and enlarge: then he is ok. Click it again small he is again blurred.

    I’ve tried everything. Scales. Ratio. Crop. But nothing helps. The separate is when I pick a picture which happens all the media gallery is just.’s He doing it Nothing blurred. When no face.

    Is the only way to get to upload gallery the pictures through the media this off and then select when creating a new product or is there a trick for which I do not see or do not yet have (plugin?)

    I hope there is someone who can help or can support me. Going This is because the only thing that keeps me from putting an online shop :)!

    Thanks and hope to here Soon.

    Greeting Jeroen.

    • Can you send me a live example of this blurred image?

  • Hi!

    Thnx for responding this quick again! here is a example.. i just posted it: http://artisoof.nl/webshop/ . You can see that the image is very blurry and nog sharp at all. When you click the product it will be sharp again.

    Hope you have some awnsers, but i think you have 🙂

    Thnx, Greets Jeroen.

    • try adding this to your functions.php:

      add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', create_function( '', 'return 100;' ) );

  • Hello!

    Doesn’t work.. i putted it on the bottom of the functions.php and it stays blurry. I
    also get this line at the top of the website:

    dd_filter( ‘jpeg_quality’, create_function( ”, ‘return 100;’ ) );
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /data/home/arti04/domains/artisoof.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/zenon/functions.php:485) in /data/home/arti04/domains/artisoof.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-session-handler.php on line 63

    maybe i do something wrong?

    • copy all the code of your functions.php and paste it in a pastebin.com page and paste the link here. let me look at your functions.php file.

  • Hello,

    I would like to center every elements on my page, how can I modify the CSS so that it happens? Sometimes when I center something (like a small soundcloud player), it still appears on the left on my page..

    Another thing: I am having errors with the file functions.php, is there a way to get a new one? I have Zenon Pro, but I didn’t save the original package :/

    Thank you in advance!!

    • can you send me the page link where you added a soundcloud element?

      and I just emailed you the Zenon Pro theme file again.

  • Thanks a lot for the files! That’s great.

    Here is an example with the soundcloud element http://www.jazzator.com/trial/?page_id=41 after I wrote you, I manage to center the element using a plugin that produces column, but it would be better to solve this with css I guess.. For the footer menu I have the same problem, I don’t know how to center it.

    Also another question (sorry I hope it’s not too much at the same time): the site doesn’t work for the moment on mobile device, due to the way I did it. For example I use a plugin to display menu images instead of text. Is there a possibility to desactivate the mobile version so that the mobile device displays the site the same way as on a computer?

    • you did it the right way actually. when you aligned the video by click the “center” align button, a css command(text-align:center;) was added to the wrapped paragraphed of the video element.

  • With the pro edition can you have more than 10 images on the slider?

    • you will have to modify the easyslider.php. open up the file and replace this:

      `’.$zn_fonts = of_get_option(‘number_select’).’`

      with this:


  • So I should replace all of `’.$zn_fonts = of_get_option(‘number_select’).’` with just “15”….or do I put “15” where it says ‘number_select’? I am assuming that this means the max is 15 pictures…correct? Also, is this change available in the free edition? Thanks for your help!

    • No, you should replace all of it. and yes you can make this change in both lite and PRO

  • On our website, we try to embed a video with in a block on our homepage. Why is the video unvisible on iPads and iPhones?

    • depends on what kind of video player you are embedding. Iphone, ipad dont support flash.

  • Is there a functionality to add a favicon? Many thanks

  • Thank you!

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