Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Hola, te consulto (espero entiendas español)

    Pagando la plantilla, tengo la licencia de por vida, o es costo mensual?

    Incluye actualizaciones??


    • English please

    • Hello!!

      Paying the template, I have the lifetime license, or is monthly cost?

      Includes updates??


  • Hello!!

    Paying the template, I have the lifetime license, or is monthly cost?

    Includes updates??


    • its a one time payment.

  • Hi, i paid yesterday, please send the data for theme premium

    • Just sent the theme to your email. check your email.

  • Hi, I buy this template.

    how can i see more news on the index?, since I only sample 9 news.

    In turn, such as adding the “read more” to the post


    • Go to Settings> Reading and set the number of posts per page.

  • I ordered the Zenon Pro but I still haven’t received it. Help!

    • Sent you the theme an hour ago.

  • love your theme. i think i switched it to non mobile version when i had lite theme..now i am interested in mobile theme however my pages are not coming up as mobile version-just the home page. can you please help me fix this..i dont know if its a code i added in the mobile.css a while back or if there’s another way for me to fix it. as of now the pages are cutting off the material and will not let me zoom in from my phone. what do i need to do to make all the pages mobile friendly?

    • Add this to your mobile.css:

      body .single_post {
      width: 266px!important;

  • I’d like a certain google font (Walter Turncoat) for all the fonts on my theme (this theme is great, btw). I edited the style.css file but it seems that it’s getting overridden by something. In particular the Header 1 Title and Menu items are still the font I selected under theme options… Can you help? What would I add to my stylesheet? Thanks!

    • add this to your style.css:

      body .logo h1 a, body #topmenu ul li a {
      font-family: Walter Turncoat!important;}

    • I added this to my style.css at the bottom:

      body .logo h1 a, body #topmenu ul li a {
      font-family: Walter Turncoat!important;}

      but it didn’t do anything…?

    • press ctrl+f5 couple of times to see the change.

  • This fixed it, although I’m don’t know exactly why:

    body #header .logo h1 a, body #topmenu ul li a {
    font-family: Walter Turncoat!important;}

    body #header .logo h1, body #topmenu ul li {
    font-family: Walter Turncoat!important;}

    I think it was the #header part. Probably don’t need both, but now it works and I’m hesitant to change anything.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hello Towfiq, i have zenon pro and have a big issue 🙁
    The home page of http://www.sublime-hair-extensions.be/ has lost the slider and now the home page is in http://www.sublime-hair-extensions.be/photos-extensions-avant-apres-liege-extensions-cheveux
    I do not see what is wrong, may you help me ?

    • Go to Settings> Reading and select “your latest posts” as your front page.

    • Hello,

      I did it but without success 🙁
      What else i may do?


    • contact me through the contact page about this.

  • This has to be one of the loveliest themes I have ever worked with and the support I have received has been PERFECT and unlike any other. Thank you so much Towfiqi for your professionalism, beautiful designs and prompt attention and service. You are truly a master!

    • Thanks for the kind words Kytka. it was nice working with you too 🙂

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