Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • thank you for the beautiful theme, I want to ask some questions.

    1- at free theme , can I use extra fonts ? I have small problems with some turkish letters like ş,ğ,ı,İ..

    2- when I disable posts at the main screen, I use it as a static welcome page. but when I add a “blog” page and assign it as posts page, I see the same static page everytime I click on it. although the url changes from domain.com to domain.com/blog. I hope I could tell well enough.

    thank you in advance.

    • Could you tell me how you got this working?

  • oh sorry wrong place…. I will repeat the questions under the right posts..

  • Heya,to find and work in your theme gave me a good day, thanks a lot for your sophisticated theme.

    A contactform is mentioned inside of the theme, but I can’t find it. Of course I will pay for premium to say thanks to you.

    • Its a page template. Create a new page and while editing the page. Notice there is a “page Attributes” box on the right. select “Contact Page” template from it and you are done.

  • Lovely work, couple of Q’s – in the Pro #

    1. is it possible to have links in any of the 4 block areas on front page eg read more.

    2. can the contact page template be just contact info page rather than a blog style rhs display. Also at contact point it is a distraction to see other stuff displayed.

    3. can the slider height be adjusted to accommodate images height less than 360H (so that fold line on latest laptops is displaying the 4 block headings)

    Purpose is to have a micro brochure site rather than a blog, thanks in advance

    • 1. yes you can. you will have to edit the index.php file. Go to Appearance> Editor and select “index.php” from right and find these lines:

      replace your texts and code by replacing this code(for the 1st block):

      replace your texts and code by replacing this code(for the 2nd block):

      replace your texts and code by replacing this code(for the 3rd block):

      2. I dont get what you are saying, are you trying to exclude the sidebar from contact page?

      3. you can increase or decrease the height of the slider through sstylesheet.

    • Thanks for reply info Towfiq

      on May 3, 2012 at 7:10 am

      , just a bit of clarity before getting Pro version.

      Re reply trying to exclude the sidebar from contact page?

      regarding point 2, yes – trying to exclude the sidebar from contact page? Is that possible or would we have to create out own contact page using contact7 or similar>

      also does the contact have some anti spammer protection?

      Thanks in advance, Pete

    • If you dont want the sidebar in the contact page, Add these lines to your stylesheet:

      .page-template-page-contact-php .single_wrap{width:970px;}
      .page-template-page-contact-php .single_post{width:970px;}

      No, there is not anti-spam protection for the contact form.
      And yes you can use any contact plugin you want.

  • I am having some issues with weird font sizes showing up in page postings. First the text doesn’t show up and then when I make it black font it shows up really off. I am also having trouble with text showing up under the blocks in front page. Title is showing up but no description below. Is there an up date to this theme?

    • Whats your website address Mike?

  • is this theme good for an ecommerce site?

    • There should be no problem.

  • Hi, LOVE YOUR WORDPRESS templates!

    I own Sylla Pro and Zenon Pro and they are amazing.

    However, I started building my new site with Zenon pro and I selected layout 3 to show all my posts, but all the thumbnails (featured images) on the left hand side are all over lapping each other.

    Here is my link, http://www.fineassbooty.com/ – see for yourself.


    • Recently discovered this bug, You can fix it by going to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      .lay3 .imgwrap{height:180px;}

    • THANX!!

  • I am looking at getting the full theme but it appears you cannot have a blog page? if you set your home page to a static one and choose a blog page to post to, the blog page comes up without any blogs. In the standard installation there are no links to a list of blogs/articles?

    Am i missing something? I see someone else did ask a similar thing though.

  • Is there a way to left align my logo?

    • Add these lines to your stylesheet:


    • Your a life saver!

  • For the first slider is there a way to change the shape of the text box? Maybe into a rectangle instead of the object with those angles?

    • Just sent you the PRO version, check out the other sliders. if you want to use the easyslider with rectangular description box, let me know.

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