Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Thank you very much, it worked! This template is pretty awesome!

  • I love the zenon lite. Just wanted to know how do I move the comments box at the top of the comments? It would be better up there instead of scrolling alllll the way down just to add a comment. Thanks!

    • Open up comments.php and cut these lines:

      comment_status) : ?>
      comment_status) : ?>

      before this:

    • Also, how can I add a “Comment Count” or “Add Comment” link under the post title, right after the post date?

      • open up single.php and add this:


        after this:


    • I need to create an archive page which shows my categories and tags information. Will this theme supports this or is there any plugin for this ?

      • The PRO version has a archive page template. You can also achieve this with a plugin.

    • What is the ideal size for the slider pictures so that it fills the box completely? Thx!

      • width 1000px
        height 360px

    • I want to add a button in the upper right hand corner of our site next to the logo/header (“Make an Appointment”). It will be visible no matter where the user naviates (just like the logo) and it will take the user to a page on the site. I downloaded a plugin for the button. It uses this shortcut: [maxbutton id=”1″] . I can get the button to work from one of the other pages, but I can’t figure out how to get it to show up at the top of the static page.

      • open up header.php and add this:

        after this:

      • Perfect! Thanks for the speedy response.

    • Hi there! I was wondering if there was a quick and dirty way for one to parse linebreaks in Blocks. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated!

      • try this tag where you want the line break:

      • Oh well that certainly works. Thanks!

    • Is there a simple way to make the Blocks on the home page a little taller? Right now the text inside my first Block is one word too big, and even so, we really want to keep the text as is.

      • add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:


    • great theme thanx a lot! I have the pro version and I just wants, that the comumns works in mobile Version. Do you have the right codes that I can add in the mobile.css? And another: the select menu in the main header doesn`t works right in the mobile version aswell. Please could you help, I`d very glad!

      Thank you,

      • For the column in mobile Version I found the solution:
        .col3 { clear:both; width: 280px !important;}
        But there`s still a Problem with the menu on mobile Version. The tinynav only shows the last point in the menu.

      • To fix the mobile menu in the zenon Open up zenon.js ad replace this line:
        jQuery(“#topmenu ul.menu”).tinyNav();
        with this:
        jQuery(“#topmenu ul.menu”).tinyNav({active: ‘selected’, header: true});

      • Thank you ! It`s not really that what I wanted, but much more better. Now it shows everytime the first step called “navigation”. This is ok. Thx!

    • Hello
      In explorer and firefox, my website changes font and some pictures moves, but in Google chrome everything is ok. Want can I do whit that?

      • Open up yanone_kaffeesatz.css file from the “fonts” folder of your theme and add this line:

        src: local(cool_font), url(“yanonekaffeesatz-regular-webfont.ttf”);

        after this:

        font-family: ‘YanoneKaffeesatzRegular’;

      • Hi
        I can`t find this: “fonts” folder of your theme”. Wherer can I find that?

      • And now I can`t find my frontpage. Everything is in place in index.php, but on web the site is gone. What can I do about that?

      • did you do anything?

      • No, I did not do anything. The logo and menu is ok, but the slider and the four blocks is gone. And there was two extra sites, “home” and “blog” on the meny. I did not make them, but I have deleted them now.

      • Go to Settings> Reading and select “your latest posts” as your homepage.

      • Ohhh. Thank you. I was a little nervous that I had to make everything again. So back to the start:
        You said: Open up yanone_kaffeesatz.css file from the “fonts” folder of your theme and add this line:
        src: local (cool_font), url (“yanonekaffeesatz-regular-webfont.ttf”);
        after this:
        font-family: ‘YanoneKaffeesatzRegular’;

        Where can I find the “fonts folder of your theme?”

      • login to your website via ftp and navigate to wp-content/themes/zenon/fonts

      • Hey.
        It will not let me enter anything in the “yanone_kaffeesatz.css file”. What do I do?

      • do you have the permission to read, write, edit files via ftp?

      • What is FTP? I am the owner of my website, so I will surely have access to this? I logged on through bluehost.com and simple script. I did read the css file, but was not allowed to edit anything.

      • Read this:

      • Now I put the statement in the FTP you gave me but it changed nothing. When I open the web page, the letters look different in IE and Firefox. But it is only on the front page. When you enter something else is all ok.

      • because your homepage and subpages has different domain. you main page has this domain:

        while your subpages have:

        ask bluehost about this.

      • Hey. Thanks for the help. Now everything is as it should be. Sorry all the hassle, but I’m totally lost in this web world. Thank you again!

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