Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Is there a way to take off “leave a reply” comment section off my pages. It’s okay on the posts.

    • open up page.php and full-width_page.php and remove this line:

  • Thank you for your fast response.

  • I want to create an archive page. Can this theme accommodate it? I want the page to show archive of categories and posts.

  • Does this Theme support mp4 playback?

    • replied to your email..

  • Hello,
    I would like to know how to put images inside the blocks below the slider instead of text? I would also like to link these images to pages on the site.

    • Open up index.php and add this line:

      after this:

  • how do you install a new font into this theme?

  • I can create the Front Page with only 2 blocks, but it publishes with a miniumum of 3. Is there a way to only use 2 blocks?

    • just remove the text from the 3rd and 4th block.

    • That’s what I did. When I am signed in as the admin, there is only text in the first 2 blocks. When I view the site it looks how I want it. When I sign out and go directly to the site there is text in 3 blocks. Could it be displaying a draft version?

    • if you are using a cache plugin, try clearing the cache.

    • i tried that too (clicking button that says Delete Cache)

    • Thanks. Don’t know what I did different, but the front page blocks are now displaying correctly. 🙂

  • Hi. Thanks. That was great! How can I put the picture in center of the block below the slider?

    • open up index.php and add this line:


      after this line:

    • Hi
      I inserted the image but it is a little bit to the left in the block. I want it in the middle of the block. Is that possible? And can I remove the gray border around the image? Thank you!

    • add this to your stylesheet:

      .midrow_block img{border:none}

    • Thank you! Now the gray border is gone! Last thing is to move image to the center of the block. How do I do that?

    • can you post the page link where you added the image?

    • Hi.
      Here is the link to my site:
      The small logo and the green shopping cart is what I want to be moved to the center of the block.

    • add this to your stylesheet:

      .midrow_block:nth-child(2) img{margin-left:60px;}

    • That excellent! Than you for your help:-)

  • Hello, does it take too long to get my template delivered: order #4915201177 ???

    • Just sent you the theme. check your email.

  • Where is the “Tagline” CSS code in the style sheet?

    • .desc{}

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