Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • I like you theme and considering purchasing it.What is your policy on refunds if I feel the theme for me isn’t user friendly?

    • the money is refunded only when there is a technical issue with the theme.

  • Thank you! One more question: Where are the font properties for the menu being kept?

    • in the stylesheet.

  • Greetings,

    A person recently created a pop up window and embeded it under templates. I went there tried to embed the new flash player of the website and couldn’t. I need you to help me either way to embed the new flash player or to remove that pop up from the templates.


    • who added it? tell the guy ti change the flash for u.

  • The guy passed away. He created a php and put it on Appearance Editor and named it newssic-popup.php

    I’d like to embed the code of the flashplayer that I have on the website but it doesn’t leave me. I tried the new flashplayer code and nothing.

    • I am very sorry to hear that. Please contact me through this page, I need to look at the code of newssic-popup.php page:

  • I bought the Pro version. Where are the shortcodes located? I cannot find them.

    • while editing the post, in the post editor with all the other buttons you will notice the shortcode buttons.

  • Hello,
    I bought the ProVersion and want to ask for an update because the “Zenon Theme Options” don’t work under Firefox for Mac. Do you offer updates for this template?

    • A second question.
      I want to use Buddypress in the future. Is it possible with this template?

    • The theme options is working fine in Frefox with wordpress 3.5. Just checked.

      Yes buddypress is supported. to get the buddypress template files, contact me through the contact page.

  • hi i am having problems with the nivo slider with different image sizes and am using the theron theme. is there any chance you can make the easyslider avaliable for theron? thanks

    • sorry. that’s not possible.

  • Hey,

    I want to have the same slider of welcome page for one of my page? hox can I do thaht?

    • send me the link of the page where you want the slider.

    • For this page: http://androby.com/collections/

    • open up page-full_width.php and add this:


      after this:

    • That doesn’t work I don’t understand. Nothing gonna change!
      Should I create an other slider and get a link somewhere?

    • no. it should work fine. are you sure you did it right? are you using any cache plugin. if you are, try clearing the cache.

  • I am taking over this website from someone else. The FaceBook link is not correct and I am trying to quickly correct it. Where is the global setting for social media links? (front page, left side)

    • its because you did not add http:// at the start of your link.

  • Zenon free if there is no home??

    • sorry. I dont follow.

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