Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Also can I change the social side tags size I already altered the image size.
    I fooled with the other code and it just wouldnt show up. I will leave the re-sized png in so you can see its larger already but part of it is cut off. I rescaled width to 45 pixels and height by default went to 513 pixels.

  • cool i like what you did there. I will fool with the colors. I kinda wanted a separate color to surround the the text like in http://www.800loanmart.com

  • the drop down tab is still white :/

    • from previously added code, replace this:

      #topmenu, #topmenu .sub-menu

      with this:

      #topmenu, #topmenu .ul li ul li

  • still white with larger border now

  • Is there anyway to hide the content slider number on the bottom of the slider images. I cant figure it out. Basically want the full image to fill up the slider box. With the controls style it leaves a space under the slider image.

    Temporarily I have made the font and link colors to those controls to white, but there is a gap because I cant remove the controls or it will display javascript control number in place of it. Hope im making sense

    • I figured it out. I added Display:none; This basically hides the styling.

  • I am suddenly unable to upload images to add to the slider or posts. Also, the slider is now only showing one slide instead of rotating between the two published slides as it has been.

    • Please disable the last installed plugins one by one and see which one is causing this.

  • Hello I purchased the Zenon pro theme and I have a html code for a drop down menu but when I entered it in the wordpress html the drop down menu is not displayed correctly, any suggestions?

  • Hello I purchased the Zenon pro theme and I have a html code for a drop down menu but when I entered it in the wordpress html the drop down menu is not displayed correctly, any suggestions to what I can do to correct this ?

  • Hi its me again, I was just playing around with the html codes for the drop down menus and comparing the codes to some of the drop down menus that were displaying properly on the websites and they are the same the only difference that I noticed that the ones that were displaying properly where around 1,500 lines of coding and the ones that were not displaying properly had over 2,500 lines of coding, so that’s that mean that wordpress sets a limited space??? Is there a way i can add more space so i can entered more lines of html coding?? any suggestions would be graetly appreciated, thank you!

    • you cannot just add html menu to wordpress template and make it work. you will have to add wordpress menu template tag. please send me the code you are trying to add via:

      and let me know how you are adding it and where.

  • hello,

    I would like to purchase the PRO version, but I have no PayPal Visa or Mastercard options to pay. Can I also pay any amount through iDeal? or create an account?
    I like to hear from you!

    • sorry Erik thats not possible.

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