Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • i can’t play mp3 files in my site
    don’t know to solve it 🙁

    • could be a plugin conflict. uninstall fancybox for wordpress plugin and see how it goes…

  • Hi, when I hoover over my post summer, the date of posting appears in the bottom right corner but on the left top ‘off’ shows up, what is this and how can I change this?

    • its not your date box. its your comments count box. To remove it, go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:
      .lay3 .block_comm{display:none;}

  • hallo! I’m having great fun with Zenon Pro and now have it working on a proper site. Still tinkering 🙂 I just wondered that now I look at it on my ipod touch, I only see three menu options on the top menu (on your Zenon Pro I can see everything perfectly!). I wonder what I have done to make it hidden! Anything obvious to check for?
    site is wordpress.londonlime.net

  • I am working in a sandbox right now in that I am testing some thems and Word Press out before publishing to our real website. I have Zenon now being tested and have a few questions, it currently is the free version for WordPress self hosted plans. I will more than likely have a few more questions before I buy the Pro version.

    1. I have the background setting as balck. Because of the the company name cannot be seen as it too is in black, the tag line is in a dark grey and is not that well seen either. Is there a setting to chage the colors of the header name and tag lines?

    Is there anyway to make the homepage bloks as hot links to either other pages on the website or external links? Also, can a photo be added to these blocks?

    • 1. Go to Appearance> editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      .logo h1 a, .desc{color:#fff;}

      2. yes its possible, from Zenon options> Blocks option, in the blocks textfield add images with links like this:

    • Thank you. I have not tried the 2nd part yet, but did add the logo h1 a, .desc{color:#fff;} to the end of the stylesheet. It did make the tagline white, but still cannot see the Site Title, it is still in black on the black background. I would for nor like the site Title in white, the tagline in a light grey. But really would like to have the option to change the tagline and Site Title and other copy to what ever color I would like. Does the Pro version have this?

      I do not do code! Would just like to see these options in the panel already. Also, as for links in the blocks, will try the below, but would like this option too that I can just go to the menu and make that happen without entering code at all. Again, is this in the Pro version?

      Thanks again.

    • you forgot to put a dot(.) before
      logo h1 a, .desc{color:#fff;}
      it should be:
      .logo h1 a, .desc{color:#fff;}

      and yes you can do it easily from the Zenon Pro theme options. you dont need to edit the code in the PRO version. you can also add header image or logo too.
      and you will have to put it that code in your blocks text field from the back-end.

    • I did add the dot I just did not add it to the message to you, sorry — so still not quite there. Not sure if this will work, think you need to write these themes for the true user not for developers or as one, we need things ready made and do what we need. You should not be writing for fellow developers or code geeks, you should be writing for the marketing people and owners of businesses that put these websites together/have the design concept and most do not know code! Nice theme though for those that can do all this adding of code and editing, but the businesses and consumers want to just design, not play a developer that they can hire. Most people coming to WP themes are trying to save money from hiring developers and should be made as easy as possible to themselves or they will just hire a developer.

      Perhpas I will buy anyway just to test toe Pro version but do not want to waste money, do you have a 30 day trial or at leatst a money back offer so I can test the full version?

    • The theme options has limited options for a reason. Too many options to change each and everything of the theme can make users confused. and the code that I tell people to add/change is very easy to do, you do not need a developer to add/edit template codes, because I am giving people the exact code to modify the way they want. thats the best I can do.. Each theme is downloaded more 50,000 times..and different people has different needs, its impossible to know what everyone wants in their theme options.

      and no there’s no 30 days trial options. sorry.

  • Hello!

    congratulations for your excellent work, it’s a very nice theme!

    one question: it’s posiible in the pro version to change the color of the area, only from the bottom of the slide till the top of the page. I think that’s impossible in the lite version, right?


    • you can add a fixed background image to the background.

  • Is it possible to have more block? Five blocks needed:)

    • not really.

  • Is there away to hide a comment on a page or a post

    • a single comment? you can remove comments from your wordpress admin panel.

  • Hi,
    I’m experimenting with Zenon Lite, I would like to remove the widget bar on the right hand side from all the pages.

    I have deleted all the widgets, however when I go to sample page for example, see a white space where the widgets were once. Is there any way all pages can be centred, as oppose appearing left indented?

    Do I need the Pro version for this to work?

    Many thanks

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      Add these lines to your stylesheet:
      body .single_post, .error404 .single_wrap, .error404 .single_post{ width:970px;}
      body .single_skew_comm{width: 962px;}
      body .single_skew_comm .skew_top_big{width: 968px;}
      body .single_skew_comm .skew_top_right{ margin-top:-71px;}
      body .single_skew .skew_bottom_big{width: 968px;}
      body .single_skew{ width:1000px;}
      body #commentform{ width:970px;}
      body .comment-form-comment textarea{width: 570px;}
      body .comment-form-comment{width: 600px;}
      body .field_wrap{width: 340px;}
      body .comment-form-author input, body .comment-form-email input, body .comment-form-url input{width: 263px;}

    • Many Thanks for the quick response, it’s full screen now.

  • Is there any way to add a header image??????????? Please help!!!!!!

    • Its possible in the PRO version.

  • im using the pro version and i want to cancel the comments in some pages how can i do that?
    btw im using WP 3.4.1 also

    • While editing the page, in the post editor page, notice there is a “Screen Options” button on the top right of the page. Click it and check the “Discussion” button. A “Discussion” box will appear under the post editor. you can disable comments for that page from that box.

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