Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Hi, I’m considering Zenon Pro – does it allow the user to tweak the CSS, and enter their own definitions?

    • Yes. Possible.

  • i have just ordered an theme. what is the procedure? when can i get it? is not it otomatic delivery to email address given during the purchase?

    thx 4 help

    • Just sent you the theme. Check your email.

  • great thankssss…

  • Why do things look so different in IE as compared to FF? In FF, I would like the menu to be transparent, which it doesn’t show yet it does in IE BUT….In IE it does other weird things in menu like not have them labeled correctly or in the format that it shows in FF.

    Also, do you have any idea why I would lose an article just like that?? I had a very long and detailed article that was good for a week then POOF, it was gone.


    • Go to Appearance> Editor and add this line to your stylesheet:

      body #topmenu{url(“http://healthyorganogoldcoffee.com/wp-content/themes/zenon/images/trans_black4.png”) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;}

      and a theme is not that powerful to remove a post. probably you accidentally removed it or a plugin did.

  • Hello, I bought your item a few hours ago. I received an email receipt. But I have not received the item I can get how to download the theme on my computer?

    • Just sent you the file. check your email.

  • Hello! I’m having fun with Zenon Pro. I was just doing some work on a client WordPress theme and I was thinking that a Notification Bar would be a really nice addition at some point. This one has one http://themeforest.net/item/symple-business-responsive-wordpress/full_screen_preview/2283473 Just a suggestion! (the site I’m working on with Zenon, has the clients asking for a ‘latest news’ section, as a kind of news flash! so it seems to be something people like.)

    • Contact me through this page and I will help you add same kind of bar in your theme:

  • Just getting started with Zenon and looks like the perfect template. Any idea on how to change the order of how our pages appear on the navigation toolbar at the top of the page?

  • once purchased am I able to use this theme on as many domains as I want? Also will I be able to download immediately? I’m hoping to have a site running on this theme by the end of today.

  • Is it possible to load a custom font into the theme? My wife wrote a book and it used a specific font and I would like to display it on the website in a few areas.

    • its possible, but make sure the font is allowed to embed in websites.

  • Hi, i bought the Zenon pro, when can i expect the download link?

    • Esmeralda, your theme was sent to you 3 hours ago to your hotmail email address.

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