TypografiaFree WordPress Theme

- Fantabulous Typographic Theme
- 5 unique skins
- “About me” Block
- Live Twitter Feed
- Dropdown Menu
- Valid XHTML/CSS3
- No hidden, paid or sponsored links in the theme.
- WordPress 3.0 Menu
- One Click Install. No plugin required.
- Easy to use theme options.
- Gravatar Support.
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3+
- Safari 5
- Opera 9+
- Netscape 6+
Q. The Twitter feed on the sidebar is not loading anymore. How do I fix this?
A: Open up sidebar.php from Appearance> Editor and replace this line:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/<?php echo $typ_twitter; ?>.json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=1″>
with this:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/<?php echo $typ_twitter; ?>.json?count=1&include_rts=1&callback=?”>
The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.
Hey I get some backslashs when I write ” ‘ ” in the about me block although I don’t have those in the articles or comments. Any ideas ? (wdps 3.0.1)
Hi. Thank you for the theme. Just one question… how many posts it takes before the theme makes the first page to cut to “page 2”? Regards, Jussi
Depends on your wordpress settings. Go to Settings>Reading
and look for:
Blog pages show at most – 5
Change the number to your need
oh… I see.. For a second I thought it was something to do with the theme. Thanks!
Hey! Thank you very much for that theme, simple and elegant. I’m WP beginner and have some tiny knowledge about html yet I was able to make some small changes 😉
I have one question: how I can add my meta and keywords info? Somwhere in Edit/stylesheet? or edit/header?
You should add meta and keywords in header.php
Thank you, could you write in which line exactly I should insert it, I don’t want to mess your code and have no experience with coding.
I’ve found yet another problem. When page is split in few by using command posted comments (approved) are not displayed. Comments on my home page works perfect. How could I solve his problem.
Once again thank you for your time and help.
I forgot to put my page:
hi there. great theme. the theme options under the Appearance menu do not show up when the theme is installed on WP 3.0.1 multi-site network and activated by non-admin user. not sure why. any ideas for a fix? i’ve used other themes that are able to activate options for non-admin users in multi-site. thanks!
never mind. i figured it out. in theme functions, replace “edit_themes” with “switch_themes”. thanks again. nice theme!
Dear Towfiqul
I’m really sorry to bother you, you spent enough time to create this theme but I just don’t know how to make comments working. Comment can be sent, I’m receiving them on my mail and then approving but then they are not visible on my site. The only place that comments can be read is blog (so not on any other page). I will be very grateful for your help.
Maybe the anti-spam plugin is the cause of the issue. try disabling it.
Hey! Thank you for quick answer. I deactivated all plugins (not only anti-spam) but it didn’t help. Then I switched to default WP Theme and there comments were visible. Does it mean that it might be some problem in script of Typografia?
Thanks a lot for help.
Can you give the address of the page that is not showing the comments?