Triton LiteFree WordPress Theme

Triton is a all in one Free wordpress theme with awesome 3 fonts, 1 slider, 1 layout & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 3 built-in widgets and 5 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup.
  • 3 Fonts
  • 1 slider
  • 1 Layout
  • 2 Patterns.
  • 3 custom widgets.
  • 5 easy to use shortcodes.(Hard-coded in Post Editor)
  • 1 WordPress 3.0 Menu Position.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • 3 Awesome fonts.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 3 custom page templates
  • Fancy lightbox
  • IE6 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

version 1.1
+ Initial Release

1. The slider is not showing up on my frontpage.
A: Go to Settings> Reading and select “your latest posts” as your homepage.
2. How can i change the image header for this theme?
A: The header image/logo upload option is only available in the PRO version.


3. The Picture quality on the frontpage posts are not good.
A: Open up functions.php and add this:

add_filter(‘jpeg_quality’, function($arg){return 100;});
Before this:

//Post Thumbnail


4. I added 3 -4 slides but my slider is showing 10+ blank slides.
A: The sharing feature of Jetpack plugin is causing this. to fix this, add this to your functions.php:

if ( function_exists( ‘sharing_display’ ) ) remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’, 19 );

Before this:

//Post Thumbnail


5. Is it possible to disable the fade effect on the images at front page ?

A: Add this to your stylesheet:

.lay1 > div .imgwrap{opacity:1!important;}


6. How do I hide the post date and comment counter from the front page posts?

A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

.block_comm, .date_meta{display:none;}


7. How does one disable the ‘Leave a reply’ from all posts?

A: Open up single.php and page.php and remove this line:
<div><?php comments_template(”,true); ?></div>
8. how can i remove the number below the slider?
A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

9. Any way to increase the number of slides beyond 10?
A: open up easyslider.php and replace this line:



10. How can i make the slider become image clickable?
A: Open up easyslider.php and replace this line:

<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
<a href=”<?php echo $trtdata; ?>”><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>


11. Why is the slider texts “Uppercased”? How do I make them normal?

A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

body #slider .slider-content h2 a, body #slider .slider-content a, body .slider-content p{text-transform:none!important;}


The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Triton Lite Triton PRO
For Life
One time payment
Skins 1 Unlimited
(Ability to change the color of almost all the elements)
Fonts 3 12
Layouts 1 3
Slider 1 2
Background Color/image



Background patterns 2 8
Shortcodes 5 20
Widgets 3 8
Widget Areas 3 3
Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu
Page Templates 3 3
Upload LOGO



Social Share buttons/Numbered Page Navigation



Related Posts



Google Analytics



Threaded comments/Separated Comments & Trackbacks



IE6/ IE7 Browser Upgrade Alert!



Fancy lightbox



Full Email support



Forum support



Upgrade to PRO

  • I have downloaded the free version of triton lite, but i have problems with the slider. I can not control the numbers of sliders and when i upload the featured image i get 2 images in the slider.
    Then i want to place some banners from sponsors but i want to know if there is a chance to do it or i need to buy the Pro Theme. In adition i want to change the color of the background. Please help me out.

    • 1. can you add the slides again and let me know so that I can take a look. add sponsor banner on your sidebar from Appearance> Widgets

    • I just have uploaded the slider, you can take a look now.
      About the sponsor banner, i don’t know what is the widget i have to use. Maybe i need to install a pluggin . I try to use the adsense pluggin, but i sitill waiting Google adsense aproval. By other hand i would like to ad some customed banners to link their webpages. Which widget or pluggin should i use or you recommend to install ?

    • 1. Disable the sharedaddy feature from your Jetpack plugin.’
      2. Yes you will have to install a plugin or widget.

  • Hey i just commented yesterday, Can you reply my query?

    • Hi again, talking about the sliders (1) i tried to dissable the sharedaddy feature, but i do not know how to do it. i have the jetpack plugin activated, but there is no Shareddy feature as you call it, just one called ” sharing”, but is for social networks sharing.
      Regarding the plugin for the customed banners (2), could you recommend any in particular? Now i have the google adsense approval but i would like to align the add placed up in the home page . How i can do it.
      I have another query, how i can change the color of the background. I want it in white.
      thanks in advance.

  • Hi there, is it possible to replace the header text with a header image (above the slider) so that I can have a header for every page?

    I still want the slider on the home page, but just above that where it has the main text title, if its possible I would like an image instead of the text?

    Kind regards

    • You can do that only in the PRO version.

  • Hi, thanks for this theme, but on Google Chrome the appearence of the homepage is different : the posts are all aligned is the left sidebar instead of the 3 sidebars….
    Can you resolved that ?

    thanks !

    • I just checked your site with Google Chrome and everything looks fine.

  • Thanks for a great theme. I’ve created a child theme and managed to change most of the colors except for the backgrounds to the “Read More” links. I tried the following code: .lay1 .read_mor{ background:#EAC4A0; color:#C8805A;}, which seems to work until I mouse-over a “Read More” link when a grey background appears. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

    • Open up triton.js from the “js” folder and remove these 2 line:

      jQuery(this).find(‘.read_mor’).css({‘background’:’#ccc’}, 300);

      and this line:

      jQuery(this).find(‘.read_mor’).css({‘background’:’#dfdfdf’}, 300);

  • Hi there, I’m struggling with an issue for the past few hours. I’m plainly looking for a way to get rid of the sidebar in all pages and posts. In pages, I select the full width layout which seems to partly work. It brings everything to full page width but the grey dashed line between post and sidebar remains behind the text. And still haven’t found a way to remove it from posts. Even when I remove the widgets the space for the sidebar is reserved. <– POST <–PAGE

    • Open up single.php and replace this line:

      with this:

      and remove this line:

  • Thanks for the help on the “Read More” links.

    Coincidentally, I’m also wanting to have posts go full width with no sidebar, just like Theo. I tried your suggestion for editing single.php but this didn’t work for me. Example:

    • Add this to your styleshsheet:

      .single_page_post .post_wrap{width:950px!important;}

    • I changed my mind and decided to go with a sidebar with posts after all.

      Thanks again for your earlier help.

    • Oops – I posted my last comment before seeing your last response. I tried adding these new lines to my stylesheet and now it works – the posts go full width with no sidebar. Nice to know I can go either way now (with or without a sidebar). Thanks again!

  • Hallo, how can I change the color of links in the text?

    • try editing the color from post editor.

  • And one morre question, how can I add a link to the front page (homepage) to the main menu?

  • hello!
    i’m having trouble with my thumbnails on Facebook—on other themes it would give me a few images to choose from (usually including the image i used on that current post) with this theme, it’s only giving me the option of using MY avatar. any suggestions?

    my page is:

    thank you!


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