Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • no I’ve gone through everything i can find and enabled comments, discussion, etc even got the wp php widget plugin & so far thats the only one that will show up on all posts and pages in my footer,,,& now I’m cant find the existing comments that i did have when I’m not logged in as admin? what else should i try,, & where will they show up at?

    • make sure you have this line in your single.php:

  • i hate to admit this but im not sure where that is? where do i find my single.php

    • Go to Appearance > Editor and select “single.php” from right and find that line in the code.

  • Hello,
    i have a question:
    is it possible, that the whole top-menu items are clickable?
    Now, there are only the fonts clickable…

    Best regards

    • Sorry joey, thats not possible.

    • Can you tell me, where in the code the menu items are initialized and where they get their correct links?

      Best regards

  • Hi with the Slider text you seemed to have added the social media icons recently. Is it possible just to have the text without the social media icons. We really want the clean look here?

    • whats your site address kie?


    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #accordion .sharedaddy{display:none;}

  • Also we are having problems uploading viemo videos do you you support viemo?

    • what kind of problem? you can just paste the link in your post and the video will be automatically embedded.

  • I’m interested in purchasing this theme for a WP blog. I recently bought a theme from another site and I couldn’t open it on WP without making my WP address a .org

    Is this the same for your theme? I don’t want to change or upgrade to pro or do anything different to my WP. I just want to change the theme of my free WP blog.


    • are you on

    • Yep. this is my wp:

      last time I bought a theme, once I installed it I couldn’t open it through my themes on wp because it required I upgraded my account. dont want to upgrade, just want a new theme

    • you cannot install third party themes. you can install the themes that are only available on

    • how do I install third party themes? I really want this theme.

    • you will have to move your site on your own domain/hosting and use the theme with wordpress.og

      again: you cannot use any 3rd party theme on

    • Thank you. really appreciate your help. Was not completely understanding they were two completely separate sites.

  • Hi,

    I cannot get the sidebars to work correctly.
    When i add a widget to the sidebar it just appears below my page content, not at the side?

    • its because you selected the “Remove Right sidebar from all the pages and make the site full width” from theon options.

  • Can you tell me, where in the code the menu items are initialized and where they get their correct links?

    • Go to Appearance> menus to change the menu links.

  • Hi, very nice theme. Is there a way to change the size of the slider, espacially the height? Thanks.

    • Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:


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