Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • I am having trouble resetting my password so I will ask on here untill I can attempt to login again. Can I resize the slider to make it wider and taller???

    • yes you can. Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      .slider-wrapper, #zn_nivo{width: 1200px!important;height: 600px!important;}
      #slider img {max-width: 1200px!important;}
      .home .center, .home .headcenter{width:1200px!important;}

  • I know you answered these questions already. I just lost where I kept the responses.

    1. Remove the Background graphic behind the text on the slider… I just want the text to sit over the slider

    2. What size should I make a graphic that is going to be the featured image for a post?

  • How do I disable comments on particular post only? Is there a shortcode for that or do I need to use a WP plugin?

    • While editing the post from the backend, Click the “screen options” link from the top right corner and then click the “Discussion” option. Now scroll down and notice a new box called “DIscussion” appeared from which you can disable comments for this page.

  • If you go to any of our pages excluding the home page, you will see that the white box beneath the menu does not extend the length of the menu. How can I make it extend the full length as it does on the home page?

    • you mean you dont want the gap between the menu and the white part?

    • It has been fixed. Thank you so much. It involved changing the template of the page from “default template” to “page with no sidebar.”

  • I love the font you used on your website, what´s the name ?

    • Its Diavlo font.

  • Hi Towfiq
    It seems that related post has a beug. When I click on the link, nothin happens, i am on ipad.
    Do you know why ?

    • I found the solution, I thought that I had to click on the text to open the related post, but in fact it´s on the image 🙂

  • You haven’t answered my emails. Could you please check your email?
    Any chance of refund if something goes wrong?

    • just replied to your email 🙂

  • Hi Towfiq
    Is it possible to have one Midrow Blocks with a background? I have the four blocks, and I only want one with grey background. I think, I need to change that in style.css, I tried several things but no changes. If you know, it’s very nice 🙂

    • let me know which one of the 4 blocks should have the grey background.

  • it would be the second block

    • Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      .midrow_block:nth-child(2) {background: #eee;}

  • Thanks, you are wonderful 🙂

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