Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • hi Towfiq
    Where can I change the background color of the widget area ?
    thanks a lot

    • what color do you want the widgets to change to?

    • sorry, it didn’t give more explanations…
      it is the footer widgets area 🙂
      Thanks a lot

    • you can do that from Theron Options> Style.

  • in the options > style, I only see the widget title color that can be changed, but not the backgroud color of the footer widget area…

    • There is an option that says “Footer Widgets Background Color’ try changing the value of that.

  • Hello, I recently downloaded the pro version and now I cant get the page back to full size. I have tried to replace the full page code on the style sheet as indicated in another post, changed the setting for removing right side bar in the theme options, and changed the template for the pages to “page with no sidebar”. None of these seem to work. Help! thank you in advance!

    • Add this to your Stylesheet:

      #content .single_wrap{width:100%!important;}

    • Awesome! Thank you for the quick reply!

  • Hi,
    I’ve recently bought TheronPro theme.
    Can i make a custom single article template without sidebars? (like the fullwidth page?)

    • yes its possible with css. post the page link here.

  • Hello. I’m using Theron PRO theme and I want to change background of the header area (the one with logo and description). I think I’ve managed to do that in Lite version but cannot in pro. I’m trying to change the code in css stylesheet. In the /*Header*/ section I’m changing image url in “#header{ background:#302f2f url(images/pattern.png) repeat…”. But if I change it to any other png file or if I delete this section, or if I change bacground color – nothing changes on the website. It’s still default, the same as in demo. Of course I’ve uploaded file (pattern2.png) to [images] catalogue and tried to change url to url(images/pattern2.png). But no effect.
    I’m pretty sure that I’ve done it in lite version and it worked. How can I do it in pro?

  • If anyone know how to customize frontpage of Theron Pro.

    Detail is as follows;
    – Environment
    WordPress 3.8.3
    Theron Pro 1.2
    Layout selected: Layout 4
    – LatestPosts of frontpage have 4 posts and same category by default,
    and I’d like to change category of one post on frontpage.

    Is it possible to change category for one of latest posts?
    I’m happy to give any advice.

    Thank you.

    • You can select category of frontpage posts from Theron Options> Frontpage

  • Thank you for your reply about latest posts on front page issue.

    I’m sorry that it has misunderstanding by my explanation.

    – I understand it can change category of latest posts on front page. The category of all four latest posts can change category (on layout 4), and I’d like to set two different category for four latest posts. (e.g., one latest post for category “A”, other three latest posts for category “B”)

    I think it may need to edit any php files but I’m not sure how to edit it.

    Thank you for your help,

    • sorry thats not possible with wordpress.

  • Hi, I purchased Theron Pro in January 2013, but realize I don’t have any of the updated version. Still running on Version 1.2. How do I access the latest version?
    Thank you!

    • Jess,
      Try logging in with your username and password and go to “Your Downloads” section to download the theme. If you have forgotten the password, click the “Forgot Password” button to reset your password and then try logging in.


  • Hi Towfiq! Absolutely love this theme and the ease of working with it.. However, I’ve scrolled around through the comments and questions on this, and there are tons, so I hope I’m not being repetitive. I just purchased the Theron Pro theme and had a few questions with working on the header.

    a) I would like to have our company logo to the left or right on the header
    b) The company title in the middle in a big font, with maybe a smaller font below where I can write a brief phrase
    c) I’d also like to add a call to action button in the header

    Is any of this possible? Again, I have the Theron Pro Theme

    Thank you in advance

    • Tara send me a message and let me know the site address through this page:

    • I did.. As you can see I’m in the verrrry beginning stages. Thank you again for your help, Towfiq 🙂

    • Hope you are well.. I’ve tried to send you a couple messages and there are message failures coming up in my email. Still waiting to hear from you on the header 🙂

    • Just sent you an email.. check your inbox.. 🙂

  • hey i m using ur free theron theme and i will be purchasing ur pro theme within 15 days just the day m getting my salary ..can u please let me know why the layout of my theme is not stable u can also check its unstable like the pages width from right side are getting extended please help me out sir

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