Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Hi, yeah sorry when i said banner i just meant the image in the slider. And the other word i was trying to think of has come back to me, it’s the transitions between sliders that i want to be consistent.

    Thanks again, Tony

  • Hi,
    I bought the theron theme pro version.
    The border of each post is light grey, I would like to have it in black, where can I change that ? In the css ? Where ?
    Thanks a lot

    • are you talking about the shadow?

    • Yes it is the shadow 🙂
      Is it possible to have it a little more dark ? How do modify that ? Thanks
      And very nice theme, I love it !!! 🙂

    • You can darken the shadow color from Theron Options> Style
      there is an option to change the shadow opacity. try increasing it.

  • I have Theron Pro. Running on OSX.

    When I click the “Upload” Header image, nothing happens. Also, when I click on the “Layout – Blocks – Social” buttons in the Theron options, nothing happens.


    • which version are you using? this bug was fixed in version 2.0

  • How do I slow down the speed of the blocks.

    • are you talking about the slider speed?

  • Hi Towfiq

    I use Theron Pro version and I need help :

    I installed woo commerce plugin, it works well but I have a problem of background.
    I installed a background on my website (in theron theme options). The backgroud of the E-commerce pages is transparent and so my products are not well visible. You can have a look here :
    How can I solve that ?

    Moreover, I want to have the welcome message with transparent background, I found the welcome message in apprence > editeur but I dońt know the lines to modify…

    Thanks a lot

    • do you want to display the sidebar on your woocommerce pages? and how do you want to change tour welcome text?

      send me your answer through this page:

  • I would like to know how I can make a page and it only appears on the footer menu and not the one on the top please help it’s driving me mad!

    • from Appearance> Menus, under the menu you created there should be a option that says “footer navigation”. uncheck it. and check the “Primary navigation”.

  • Hello,
    I am using Theron Lite and it is working great until I try to access the site on my iphone. When I type in the site’s address it says the site cannot be found?
    How can I solve this?
    Thank you

    • are you using Jetpack mobile feature or any mobile plugin at all?

  • Yes, I have the mobile feature on jetpack activated. Not sure why it is not working

    • Why would you want to use the jetpack mobile theme? Theron is already responsive.

  • Wondering how to remove the date 1 Feb 2014 which comes before the home description when i search for my site on google. It’s not written in the home description in All in One SEO. I’m at a loss how it can be removed as it makes my home page look like a post.
    Many Thanks. Tony.

    • I guess you recently added the meta description. it may take some time to show up on google.

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