Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Hi I just downloaded the the Theron-Pro theme but I can’t change to colors when I co to the theme options. I don’t seem to have any option or button to click in order to make modification. Could you help me?

    Thank you!

    • Can you try another browser?

  • I am helping install the Theron Pro theme for my mother-in-law’s website. When we switched from the free template to the paid one, thumbnails for posts on the front page are missing. I tried re-posting the entry but still shows blank.

    Nice theme with a lot of options!

    • I was able to select a featured image to fix, but I read it also should be pulling any image in the post.

    • it should only pull the images that are hosted on your site.

  • Hi!
    I have the Theron Lite theme and now I would like to upgrade to the Theron Pro theme. I just have one question, after the upgrade do I have to build the site all over again or will all my pages, texts, photos etc still be there after the upgrade?

    • No you won’t have to add theme again after the update. the upgrade only changes the theme, nothing else.

  • Hello,

    First of all thank you for a lovely theme! I’m still using the free version but will be upgrading to pro soon if I can get the theron to do what I’d like it to do.

    My main issues are the following:

    – The main page is working absolutely fine but on my other pages the block for the header and the main blocks don’t seem to align properly. I can’t figure out why…

    – I would like to use the blocks section on my about page rather than the home page. To do this I copied the code into the template for “page with no side bar” and removed the ‘if’ function at the beginning. The blocks do appear but there seems to be a problem with the way they align with the rest of the page… (I don’t really know what am doing so I probably have done something stupid along the way…)

    – I have installed the jetPAck plug-in to be able to have tiled galleries. Whilst when I used the tiled gallery for other blogs I didn’t have to worry about image size and would make it look nice without me messing around, the images now seem to align themselves badly. Can’t quite figure out why.

    Voilà. I’m a bit confused with alignment… Hope you can help.


  • Thank you for your reply,

    1. I have updated the code but the problem with alignment blocks seems to persist.

    2. This seems to have resolved itself – might of been a ephemeral browser problem. Either way, here is a link to the page: . Also, regarding these blocks can one lock the link icon to specific height or ad?

    3. Here is an example of page where I’ve added the jetpack gallery: . For some reason the 4th photo is misaligned.

  • Hello thanks for your reply,

    1. I replaced the code but it didn’t seem to solve the problem.

    2. The problem seems to have sorted itself out. Might have been a problem with the browser.

    3. Here is a link to an example of where the problem is for the jetpack Gallery:

    4. I have just stupidly created a new problem. I wanted to quickly try something and didn’t backup the code and now I’m getting : “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /home/upcycled/public_html/wp-content/themes/theron-lite/functions.php on line 4”.
    Here is the portion of code its seems to be referring to but I can’t see anything wrong:

    <?php wp_enqueue_style('customfont',get_template_directory_uri().'/fonts/'.$zn_fonts = of_get_option('font_select', 'yanone_kaffeesatz' ).'.css'); }
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theron_other_css');

    Thank you very much for your help.

    • Something seems to have gone wrong with the code. Here it is again:

      /*<?php wp_enqueue_style('customfont',get_template_directory_uri().'/fonts/'.$zn_fonts = of_get_option('font_select', 'yanone_kaffeesatz' ).'.css'); }
      add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theron_other_css'); */

    • And a last time… Sorry for this:


      if ( ! isset( $content_width ) )
      $content_width = 960 ;

    • Okey. Issue 4 is sorted!

    • 1. Press ctrl+ f5 couple of times to see the changes:

      3. I just checked the gallery page and it looks great. How do you want it to display?

    • It’s fine it’s all sorted. Just moved to Theron Pro and am very happy with it. Thanks for your help.

    • Great! 🙂

  • Hi there! I was wondering is there a way to change the font size on copy that goes below the headings in pages/ blog posts/blocks? I have figured out how to change the Heading sizes but not the copy. Thanks! 🙂 new to all of this but loving your wp sites!

    • sorry not sure about which part you are talking about…

  • Hi No – I am sorry I am not sure how to describe it properly. I can see how to change the size of the font in the Title of the Post (post Heading) but not for the actual copy I write in the post. For example

    FITNESS IN A Busy WORLD ( Post title)

    Fitness in a busy world is taking a new turn blah blah blah (this is the area I am talking about that I can’t figure out how to change the font size) lol


    • got it! Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      .lay1 .post_content p{ font-size:15px;}

  • Thank you so much!!! I will give it a try! Have to find the style sheet first! I’m going in!! 🙂

  • Hi again! So I went into editor and pasted the code into what I thought was the style sheet but it did not work…what I have found in the mean time is that I can type the information and select a larger header style like header style 2 and then I unbold it and it looks pretty good….
    lol I will find round about ways… but not sure if it will translate ok – I have the Theron Pro theme – if you can guide me to the style sheet if it is not the one in editor I would appreciate it and try again or let me know if what I am doing is ok….thanks!

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