Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Forgot to write things, sorry!

    3.About .
    I meant “arrows” which is shown like “” instead of the “small pictures”. (Actually these are not like arrows, sorry!)
    Could you tell me how I can erase them?

    4.Theron Them Options>Front Page>Number of Front page Posts
    I see this doesn’t work.
    No matter I change it, the site always shows ten posts.
    Is there any solution?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi anyone,

    I’m managing a WordPress site with Theron Pro and customer of this site is asking me as follows;

    – They have 4 blocks on the front page of their site. They want to put weekly event on the one of blocks.
    Also event list is written by CSV. as follows;
    # [date], [events]
    2013/08/18, “Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
    2013/08/25, “Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time”
    2013/09/01, “Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time”

    – I think it need to put this event list on the appropriate directory that be able to access by WordPress.

    Is it possible and how can I write code? Unfortunately I don’t have enough skill of php coding. I’m happy to give your advise.

    Thank you,

    Takashi Maruyama

  • Hi, I have a problem with the theme theron pro
    My web is
    It allows me to add a specific category on the home page, ignoring de option that gives the theme settings
    How I cant fix it?
    Thank You. Silvia

    • Go to Appearance> Theron Options> Front page and this option – “Enable the posts under the blocks on homepage” is turned on.

  • I just Purchased the Pro Theme and it won’t let me dowload it, it goes to a page that says item not found. Can anybody please tell me why? Help!

    • Fixed the issue. Check now.

  • j’ai acheté le thème Theron pro, j’aimerai inserer le logo de mon entreprise en haut a gauche à coté du TITRE di site mais je ne sais pas comment m’y prendre?
    Pouvez vous m’indiquez la procédure à suivre ?
    dans l’attente de vous lire, merci

    • Go to Appearance> Theron Options> basic and you will notice there is a logo upload field. click the upload button and then upload your logo image.

  • FIrst of all – Very nice striking photo of you! Second can you recommend a gallery plug in for the site – as I am hoping to use this site to feature my photography and when a client goes to a page like weddings I would like it to show a few photos like in a gallery rather than a blog like looking post with one picture – is that possible and if not might you have another wp site that you might suggest for me.
    Thanks so much and bless you for making the slider easier than any other wp site I have tried so far…I just uploaded some tester photos to try it out and now I do need to figure out how to change the pics I uploaded into the slider to the real ones I am going to use – but I am sure that instruction is available some where in there!
    Thanks again!

    • there are plenty of gallery plugins. did you try nextgen gallery plugin?

      and you can find the documentation in Appearance> Theron Options> Documentation.

  • Hi anyone,

    I manage a WordPress site with Theron Pro, why when I upload this theme popping up error messages “The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.”

  • HI, when i make a contribution on my blogs, the text appears correct on this contribution but does NOT show an the blog page and the front page.
    and: is there a way to link the whole frame of a blogblock on the frontpage not only the title.

    the theme is very nice and i would really stay with it.

    • replied to your email.

  • Hi When I try to post comment on the site with the theme is goes to a server. I have commenting turned on and tried different permalink structures. Any idea what is going on? The site is

  • Hi I made a site using Theron Pro and gave it to the client. I uploaded to their server and all was good. Recently something has changed. It’s like it’s gone from 3 columns to 2 but neither client or myself has actually edited anything? Can you please advise what you think the cause of this might be and how I can fix it?

    • its because your client is using a cache plugin. tell them to exclude the main stylesheet from caching.

      and let me know which version of theme are you guys using.

    • Thanks – that worked perfectly – I’m sure it was Theron Pro ?

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