Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • How in the world do you change the images in the slider? Where do you upload the images?

    • Read the Documentation from Theron Options> Documentation.

  • Hey, man. Still having trouble with that text color on the comment widget.


    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #respond h3, #comment-form-subscribe label{color:#fff!important;}

  • Hi,
    I’m using Theron Lite. My website is
    My website’s font seems really bad, like you see on link. I didn’t change font. And I can’t see widgets on the right side.
    How can I solve it?

    • the font looks o to me. whats wrong?

    • Yes, It’s good now. I’ve already solve it. Now there is one more problem. I created menu by using category. But It seems as a broken link.

    • I’ve solved it 🙂
      Thank you…

  • thank you for the Pro Theron theme. i love it. can you tell me what dimensions are the featured photos in the post on the front page of layout two? thank you.

    • 285 x 198px

    • thank you so much.

  • also, i would like my text in the footer element to be Dropio One like my header and menu1, but i changed my font to Comic Sans MS for the body text and it change my footer text to Comic Sans MS. is there a line of code that will allow me to change specifically the footer to Dropio One? thank you.

    • please contact me through the contact page.

  • I really apologize, but this isn’t working still.

    #respond h3, #comment-form-subscribe label{color:#fff!important;}

    ^ This still didn’t fix the font color. In addition, since the wordpress update, I can’t use certain features of the theme, such as the color selector in the appearance options, and the upload button for a header.

    • Just checked your stylesheet. I dont see that line.

  • Towfiq I.
    on February 28, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    Just checked your stylesheet. I dont see that line.

    – I took it out because it didn’t work. I will place it in there now.

    • thats very odd. I see that line. but the color isn’t changing. contact me through the contact page.

  • Hi, How do I install Theron PRO onto wordpress?

    • Go to Appearance> Themes> Install Themes> Upload and upload the zip file.

  • hi, i have a question, how to make a form of information? news?

    • I dont understand. contact me through the contact page and please elaborate.

  • Hello !

    Can you tell me how to remove the sidebar?
    Is it possible to put on some pages?
    How to change the background color of pages (white) ?

    Thank you !!

    • sorry it’s ok for sidebar.

    • sounds like you are pretty new to this.

      just create pages like you create posts.

      and to change the background color, Go to Appearance> Background

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