Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Once uploaded there’s no way to change it?

    • sorry. what do you mean?

  • i’ve already uploaded the zip file and activated the theme, is there a way to change the caps in the titles directly in the dashboard of WP?

    • you will have to make the edits via ftp. or “wp-filemanager” plugin.

  • I wanted to thank you for your time and exceptional customer service. Pleasure doing business.

  • Hi, I am trying to purchase your theme. But I can’t do it with Paypal. Is there anyway that I purchase with Paypal?

    • yes, there’s an option to pay with paypal in the checkout page.

  • I can’t seem to get my RSS to work. I put but i get an error message when i clicked on it on the home page.

    also, is there any way i can select the photos which appear on the front page for each blog post? I think it uploads te first photo which i insert in the post. so when i wanna change, i do it manually by re-inserting the photos.

    how do i remove the date/category information?

    thanks in advance!

    • what i mean it, stop it the date/category information from appearing

    • 1. your browser should support rss. Firefox supports rss pages.

      2. Go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” and add this line to the very bottom:

      .catmeta, .date_meta{display:none;}

  • Hello! Theron theme are compatibility with plugging e commerce? Thank you

    • I guess so, give it a try.

  • Hi, I bought Theron Pro on WordPress 3 and it works fine. But on a new site, using WordPress 3.5, it doesn’t work right. The customize options don’t show up properly. For example, I can’t upload a logo. Is there a new version for WP 3.5?

    Also, I want to create child themes. How can I do this?

    Thank you!

    • there’s an easy fix.

      via ftp navigate to theron_lite/admin/js and open up options-custom.js file and replace this line:

      $(‘#section-blocks_checkbox, #section-block1_text, #section-block1_textarea, #section-block2_text, #section-block2_text, #section-block2_textarea, #section-block3_text, #section-block3_textarea, #section-block4_text, #section-block4_textarea, #section-block1_link, #section-block2_link, , #section-block3_link, , #section-block4_link’).wrapAll(‘



      $(‘#section-blocks_checkbox, #section-block1_text, #section-block1_textarea, #section-block2_text, #section-block2_text, #section-block2_textarea, #section-block3_text, #section-block3_textarea, #section-block4_text, #section-block4_textarea, #section-block1_link, #section-block2_link, #section-block3_link, #section-block4_link’).wrapAll(‘


      and the go to your theron theme options page and press ctrl+f5 multiple times to see the change.

  • THank you. I’ll try that. But I will have to move this site and my other one to a new server. Will I have to repeat this AND all the customizations? There really should be a better way. Can I somehow at least export all the settings?

    • no you dont have to repeat all the steps if you move your sites properly, if you move the files and the database intact and upload them properly.

    • Thanks for the response. Where may I find instructions to “move the files and database intact and upload them properly”?

    • Read this:

  • Hey. I am trying to install other mobile plugins. Every time I install one and set it up, it wont work. I am wondering if the built in mobile css style sheet is stopping the pluggins from working. If so how do i delete it all together? I already deleted all the text in the mobile css sheet.

    • Open up functions.php and remove this line:

      wp_enqueue_style( ‘thn_mobile’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/mobile.css’, false, ‘1.0’, ‘only screen and (max-width: 480px)’ );

  • Hi
    How do I format the text in the welcome box, eg start a new line?


    • try adding this where you want to break the line:

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