Theron PROPremium WordPress Theme

Theron PRO is a fully responsive all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page, Home page template and a Contact page Template which doesn't require any setup. Theron PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • Hey there.. I have been using your theme for my client but on the place of welcome text my client want little quick form and text as well.. so kindly help me on it. asap you can. looking forward to your reply message.

    • use a contact form plugin and edit the index.php to add the form.

  • I just purchase a Towfiq theme order number 4890074971 how would I upload it onto my account?

  • I just purchase a Towfiq theme how would I upload it onto my wordpress

    • Just sent you the theme. check your email.

  • Hey there,
    How do I set the home page in so when I click on ‘ Home ‘ I’ll go to the home page or stay on the home page?

  • Hey there,
    How do I set the home page in so when I click on ‘ Home ‘ I’ll go to the home page or stay on it?

    • Go to Appearance> menus to setup your menu properly. only this way you can add the home menu item.

  • Thanks a lot! Only how do i create sub pages now? Because now that i have setup my menu correctly i have no sub pages any more.

  • Thanks i have it! But I’m almost there! Because there is still one thing. When i saw the theron I demo and i clicked on sliders, layouts or pages I stayed on the home page. Only when you click on te sub page you go to another page. I want that to but I don’t know how? Please can you help me with this last question?

  • I’m looking for a Theme that will allow me to set up a website very similar to this one: I think Theron Pro may be it – can you let me know if you agree before I buy, please? Thanks!

    • That should be, sorry

    • yes you can make your site very similar to this with the PRO version.

  • can you please let me know how can I download the theme I just purchased? Order Number : 4892401525

    • just sent you the theme.

  • Hello. My boss is asking for a something I do not know how to adjust. He wants the black boxes to be transparent, but wants the text to show. He doesn’t want any boxes visible. Just the text like I said. PLEASE HELP if you can. I have the make the impossible,possible. Please help me asap. Thank you so much!

    • which blck boxes are you talking about? I dont see any black boxes in your site.

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