Scylla ProPremium WordPress Theme

Scylla Pro is a wordpress 3 theme with unlimited skins, 12 fonts, 2 slider, 5 layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • your themes is so nice bro.. i really like your themes.

  • Hi, how can I decrease the space in the top of the website, I want to keep closer the slider to the navigation bar, and how Can I change the top text, thanks

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the bottom of the editor:

      #logo { margin-top: 10px!important;}

      and adding an image logo is only possible in the PRO version.

  • thanks but that space still is useless, If I make an upgrade in the future would be a problem with the existing data or information?

    • you have to make the edits if you have edited the theme files. Other than this there won’t be any problem.

  • I am not able to locate Featured Image Option on the right side of the page

    • Are you sure? can you post a screenshot? What was last plugin that you installed?

  • hi, i try & try to set the featured image for slider. but still didn’t make it. it only shown the title, while the image cannot be shown. upload didn’t make it. what sould i do?

    • Can you try a different browser?

  • Hi,
    I’m considering to buy the pro version but I have some questions on the available options:
    – I would like all fonts on my site to be Calibri, is that possible?
    – i would like to use an image instead of text for my logo, is that possible?
    – i would like to use a custom flavicon for the site, is that also an option?
    – is it possible to eliminate all background patterns?
    – in the demo-version, enlaring images in posts doesn’t seem to be working quiet right, the aspect ratio is changing. Can I be sure, that won’t happen to my images?
    Thanks for your reply

    • Yes all of these are possible.

  • Hi, is it possible to have a list of pages in the homepage, with the same layout of the list of posts?

    PS: great template, gonna buy the pro version!

    • Sorry Paolo, not possible in wordpress.

  • Hi Towfiq,

    Are you really sure the pro version of Scylla offers Calibri as a font? It’s not in the list of fonts in de demo.
    And could you maybe put some links to other websites built with this template on this page? It would be nice to see it ‘in action’.

    • Yeah my bad, it doesn’t come with the theme but it can be implemented to the theme.

  • Hi! Can you tell me what the dimensions would be for the optional image logo? Would it span the width of the page or fit only into the space that says “scylla”?

    • The whole header area(960px) is there for the image logo.

  • I’m considering buying this theme. One problem though: I will have to translate it to Swedish. Do the pro version come with the possible to have translation in a language file? I don’t really like having to go through all files to do the translation.

    • It is not properly translation ready.

    • Which files do I have to change to make an complete translation?

    • The comment forms and some other fields.

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