Scylla ProPremium WordPress Theme

Scylla Pro is a wordpress 3 theme with unlimited skins, 12 fonts, 2 slider, 5 layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • How long does it takes to send the content PRO?

  • 1-how can i change the footer font color?
    2-how can i change the font to any font i want?
    3-how can i make the navication buttons colors change on mouse rallover?
    4- images border still didnt removed>

  • Hey i purchased the Pro Version, when will i receive it? and thanks 😀

    • It was sent to your Paypal email Id.

  • Hi! i pay the template. How much time for i receveid it?

    • within 12 hours.

  • My email ID? you mean my email? it’s not there in my email

    • Please send your Paypal email id(used in your paypal) via the contact form:

      and let me verify and send you to your desired email id.

  • Just bought pro! Now what do I do?

    • Check your mail Tyler!

  • Didn’t realize you emailed the Pro edition out. I bought it a few hours ago, hope to get it soon! 🙂

  • Good I bought a premium theme and want to know if I have options to change the subject of comments on each page and I would like to know if you could create a series as and their respective chapters such as seriesid.

    • Not sure what you are trying to say.. can you elaborate?

    • Watch

  • Hi Towfiq, love the syclla theme (got the light version, but will probably upgrade when ive learnt how to use it properly), but im wondering if it is possible to change the appearance of the “menu” items. I want to have the menu items displaying with a coloured block behind them then changing colour as you roll over, so that it has say a dark grey block which then changes to the light blue block on roll over. Is this possible to set?

    • Yes it can be modified to your needs and I will be happy to help.

  • Fab, amazing fast response! what do i need to do? I would like to just have a way to display the background colour / texture that is displayed behind the content areas displayed behind the menu text and the roll over kept as it is. Also (another nice feature) would be to be able to have the same background colour / texture displayed as a bar behind the blog title text. Probably not as important though…

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