Scylla ProPremium WordPress Theme

Scylla Pro is a wordpress 3 theme with unlimited skins, 12 fonts, 2 slider, 5 layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi you!
    Is it possible to add a customized image as header (instead of plain text)? Complete noob when it comes to these kinda thingies 😉

    • Phille its not possible in the Lite version, only in the PRO version.

  • Hey!

    I was wondering if there is a solution to my problme, in which I don’t want to show off my Pages, but they still have to be public – so you just access it through the originallink – but everytime I try something it just pops up underneath my headbanner =() if i put it in a parentpage it will show it as a subpage, yes it has to be a page not a post =/ I hope you will get what I mean ^^,

  • Hi Towfiq, finally the website , with Scylla Pro template has been released! I’ve had customized the template in several ways, for the requests of the customer (e,g. slideshow). Hope you like it, thank you for the good support.

    • Nice!! I like it!!

  • Firstly, please add a search to your Q&A? Secondly, I have read virtually every single inquiry and answer, and after 3 days, can NOT figure out how to limit the number of posts, or limit the displaying categories/posts on the home page? Right now, there’s a never-ending amount of posts on the home page, we want ONLY 4 (not including the top rotating gallery)… My client also doesn’t like the bottom numbered blocks to view previous…

    • you can easily change the number of posts from
      Settings> Reading

  • When I change this setting (as I already have on many occasions)–it doesn’t work. In fact, it will arbitrarily change the number altogether–like, if I enter 5, it’ll post 19. If I enter 1, it’ll post 5. In addition, I don’t want to change the number of posts on post archive pages, rather ONLY on the home page…

    • sounds like you have lots of sticky posts. make sure you have no sticky posts and also if you have installed related plugins make sure you disabled them.

  • OMG–YOU ARE A GENIUS! Thank youuuuu! I’ll try resolving both! Is it inappropriate to say “I love you” 😀 LOL

  • i have currently put a 728×90 adsense ad in my header but it looks like:

    top of page:

    but i want it to look like:
    top of page:


    so it takes up less space and flows nicely.

    can any tell me what i am doing wrong or need to change? thanks!

    • please let me know your site address.

    • site address sent!

  • Hey Towfiq! Glad to see you’re still helping out.

    Just need to know how to add a background image to the background of the Layout 2 content boxes both on the main page, and in the actual full page content for each article/entry too. Thanks!

    • open up functions.php and add this line:


      after the first


  • Didn’t work. 🙁

    We’ve done this in layout #1 already just by change some code in the CSS. But I can’t figure it out for layout #2 style. Or on the full blog pages themselves where the full article is placed alone.

    • Like I don’t mean the background of the main page, I mean the background of the content boxes in layout 2. Where it shows the blog entries.

    • Oh, and I purchased your Theron Pro theme too. 🙂 Figured I’d further support your awesome work.

    • try adding this to your theme:

      #posts .post, .type-page, #posts .type-attachment{background:#ccc!important;}

      I am not sure whether it will work or not. I need to take a look at your live site.

      And thanks for purchasing Theron PRO.

    • No problem! I’m actually going to use it instead of the previous one, it looks quite nice.

      Trying to figure out something I changed on the old one.. no idea how I did it before. I want the category the posts are in to be displayed as a prefix in the title of the post.. I know we did it before just can’t figure it out. xD

    • Nevermind! Figured it out! 🙂 <3 much love.

  • I am having trouble replacing the body background image of the entire site. I have tried a few methods and even created a child theme but the light gray pattern always remains. Is it possible to change this in the lite version?

    • Add this to your stylesheet:


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