Scylla ProPremium WordPress Theme

Scylla Pro is a wordpress 3 theme with unlimited skins, 12 fonts, 2 slider, 5 layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • WHAT ARE THE MEANS OF PAYMENT TO BUY THE ISSUE PRO Scylla. Could send a Payment Coupon?

  • Hey Toefiqi,

    How do I change my random posts widget and popular post widgets to only display text. I don’t really like it displaying thumbnails in my widget bar.

    • open up widgets.php file from “wp-content/themes/scyllalite/lib/” folder and find these lines and remove them(3):

      		if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
      		echo ''. the_post_thumbnail('medium') . '';
      		elseif($photo = scl_get_images('numberposts=1', true)):
      		echo ''. wp_get_attachment_image($photo[0]->ID , $size='thumbnail') . '';
      		else :
      		echo ''.get_the_title().'';

  • I was referred to this site and i like what i see. i have a question. with the pro, or the lite, can you upload a background image?

    • you have to edit the css file. First upload the image from Media> Add new and then add this line to your stylesheet:

      background{background:url(“the file url”) ;}

  • This may be a silly question, but once the theme is purchased it can be installed on as many domains as I want?

    • You can install it on 2 domains.

  • Hey Towfiq,

    Is there anyway to change the slider, customize it, or remove it? Also I like the top portion of layout 5 a lot but I’d like it to be in a post format similar to 2. Is there anyway to do this?

    • Can you post the request on the forum? Thanks.

    • Hey Towfiq,

      I actually cannot log on to the forums because there’s no register option. Or at least I cannot find one.

    • The forum login info was sent you by email along with the theme.

  • Hi, Can you please tell me how to change the size of h1 h2 h3? I can´t find the size in the style sheet!

    It´s urgent-

    • Just add these lines to your stylesheet:


      change the numbers to your needs…

  • Oh, thanks!
    Could you help me with the line I have to add it?
    I mean,

    Editor>Style sheet> ?¿

    • Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add the line to the very bottom of the editor.

  • Done!
    Thanks a lot.
    Just the last question, I promise!

    How can i change the size of the post title?

    • what size do you want?

    • the title has the same size as h2 and I would like to have h1

    • add this line to your stylesheet:

      #posts .postitle, #posts .postitle a{font-size:24px!important;}

  • Hey there, very new to world of website design. Can I change the Header text to an image logo in the Lite version?


  • Hi,

    is there a possibility to hide the tags at the bottom of the articles?
    I use Scylla Pro on my site.


    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “index.php” and file single.php file and remove thi line:


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