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  • #15684

    Towfiq I.


    That’s a bug. Add this line to your stylesheet:

    .single_page_post p{clear:none!important;}


    Towfiq I.


    Sorry for being late. there is another way, copy the code and line from triton lite. It has a Google plus image.

    Anyway, good to know you fixed it.


    Towfiq I.


    Then go to Appearance> Editor and select footer.php from right and find this line:

    <?php echo $option['scl_foot']; ?>

    and replace it with whatever you want to display in the footer.


    Towfiq I.


    What do you mean by Pop-up tabs? can you show me an example?


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line:


    Then Open up skins.php file from right and remove this line:

    open up skins.php file from the “css” folder and find this line, and remove it:

    /*Background COLOR*/
    body { background:#<?php echo $option['scl_bg_color'] ?>!important;}

    And about the related posts image question, can I take a look at your site?


    Towfiq I.


    1. There is no nice way to organize your slide. You will have to play with the post dates to organize the slides. Slides with the latest date will be shown first.

    2. There should be a “excerpt” field where you can add the content of your slide. If you don’t see it,click the button “screen options” and make sure the option “excerpt” is checked.


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” and add this line to the very bottom:

    .slider-content p{text-transform:none!important;}

    press ctrl+f5 in your browser for a hard refresh to see the change.


    Towfiq I.


    I just checked your site..the text are OK. What browser are you using?


    Towfiq I.


    by the way, add this line too:



    Towfiq I.


    lol. yeah! don’t worry I do..

    let me know if there’s anything wrong with the site.


    Towfiq I.


    add these lines:

    .type-topic a:visited, .type-forum a:visited{color:#DD4B39;}

    .single_page_post .type-topic{color: #333333;}

    .bbp-pagination{padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;}


    Towfiq I.


    shoot! remove this line:

    .single_page_post .type-topic{height:70px;}

    Add this:

    .single_page_post .bbp-topics .type-topic{height:70px;}


    Towfiq I.


    add these :

    .single_page_post .type-topic{height:70px;}

    .forum .single_page_post a:visited{color:##DD4B39;}


    Towfiq I.


    hmm. I had to clear my browser cache..

    Add this line too:

    .single_page_post .type-topic{background:#fff;padding:10px;color#333;}

    and what color do you want for the clicked links?


    Towfiq I.


    I just checked your stylesheet and couldn’t find the code… did you remove it?


    Towfiq I.


    Didn’t you add the lines I suggested before? why don’t I see it in the stylesheet? and I am not sure about the height and gravatar question, can you describe it more? and can you be more specific about what color do you want for what text? I will try to tweak the code that way…


    Towfiq I.


    Add these lines to your stylesheet:

    .single .post_content, .page .post_content, .archive .post_content, .type-attachment .post_content{color: #333333}

    .single_page_post .type-forum{background:#fff;padding:10px;color#333;}

    Let me know about the progress.


    Towfiq I.


    1. Add this line to your stylesheet:

    .trt_flckr_widget img{border:none;padding:5px!important;}

    2. IE is not a rich browser to show the rounded shapes properly, it will show the shapes in square form. It is possible to display the shapes in rounded form but that will require to add script which will increase the page load time so i avoided adding it and left it as it is.


    Towfiq I.


    Sorry, not Firefox 8, I meant Internet Explorer 8. working fine on Internet Explorer 8. What version of IE are you using?


    Towfiq I.


    1. Just checked your site with chrome, looks fine. The widget is loading OK.

    2. Same here. loaded with Firefox 8, looks fine to me..


    Towfiq I.


    Can you post your site links?


    Towfiq I.


    Add these lines to your stylesheet:

    div#item-header div#item-header-content {float: left;margin-left: 30px!important;}

    #content .padder{padding:10pximportant;}
    #content .padder a:link{color: #BF4842;}
    #activity-stream, #members-list{padding-left: 5px;}

    div.item-list-tabs {margin: 25px -19px 20px -10pximportant;}
    div#subnav.item-list-tabs{margin: -20px -20px 15px -10pximportant;}

    And whats the forum url? can’t seem to find the forum.


    Towfiq I.


    yes it will work. but will not look good on it. Since it is only designed and customized for wordpress not BBpress. you can give it a try. Post the link and if there’s anything wrong I will try to look into it.


    Towfiq I.


    what do you mean by menu-pages?


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Settings> Reading and set the “Number of blog posts shown per page option”

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