EpioneFree WordPress Theme
- Fantabulous Typographic Theme.
- Unique Homepage With Slider.
- 5 fantastic skins.
- Popular posts widget.
- WordPress 3.0 Menu.
- Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
- Custom login Page.
- Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
- Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
- Awesome font.
- Easy to use theme options.
- Gravatar Support.
- Threaded comments support.
- Valid XHTML/CSS3.
- No hidden, paid or sponsored links in the theme.
- One Click Install. No plugin required.
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3+
- Safari 5
- Opera 9+
- Netscape 6+
+ Added WordPress “Featured image” option available for post thumbnails and the slider.
+ Added wordpress 3.0 Menu feature
Initial Release
1. How Do I add content to the slider?
A: Go to Appearance> Epione Options> Slider and select a category for the slider.
The slider will show the latest posts from that category.
2. How-To change the slider speed:
A: You have to open up “other.js” file from your epione/js theme folder and find:
pause: 2000,
To change the speed you have to change this value to your desired need. The default is 2000 milliseconds. If you want to slow the slider down you have to increase this value and save the file.
Note: If you dont know how to open the other.js file via FTP. Use this plugin:
3. The slider stopped sliding, how to fix that?
A: Its probably a plugin conflict. Disable all the plugins one by one and find out which one is causing this.
4. Whats the right dimension for the slider images?
A: 450px x 230px
The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.
Hey there !
Thanks for that wonderful theme you did quite an exceptional work here !
so my question is : can you create a new page full-size ? I mean without the right column ?
Thank you for your answer !
@Nikola- Nope.
Thank you so much for this great theme.
Is there any way i can define different images to display in slider, post, popular etc. via the custom fields?
@Daniel- Not in this version ,no. You can try creating a category called “featured” then select that category for slider.
thanks for your quick reply, but that raises a different question. Is it possible to change the part of the picture is shows in the slider. Now it shows the top part of the photo, can i get it to show the center instead like how it does in “popular posts”?
i hope you understand what i mean.
thank you
@Daniel- I have to disappoint you again, no.
Lovely theme! Thanks!
One question:
Is there a way to stop the menu from automatically expanding even though you haven’t moused over?
@Dan- If your submenus are always showing then something is wrong with your site. It should be hidden. Post the link of your site to let me take a look at it and see what’s causing the problem.
Sweet template dude! I’m trying to change the colours of the headers etc from the green used in the nature style of the theme. How do i edit these colors?
I’ve managed to place my logo as an image in the header and altered a few styles but i just can’t seem to find the color: for the nature type font? Many thanks for any help in advance.
Weird/frustrating thing. I’m using this theme and when I look at my site in Firefox or Chrome, the comments chat bubble is basically covered up by the word Comments and then a (9) or whatever below it.
But when I look at the site on my phone (android OS), it looks how it is supposed to – chat bubble with comment count in it (no word “Comments”). Any idea what the heck is causing it to look wrong on REAL browsers? lol…