EpioneFree WordPress Theme

Epione is a wordpress theme with 5 gorgeous skins.The name “Epione” derived from greek goddess of the soothing of pain.
  • Fantabulous Typographic Theme.
  • Unique Homepage With Slider.
  • 5 fantastic skins.
  • Popular posts widget.
  • WordPress 3.0 Menu.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Custom login Page.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • Awesome font.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • No hidden, paid or sponsored links in the theme.
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

+ Added WordPress “Featured image” option available for post thumbnails and the slider.
+ Added wordpress 3.0 Menu feature


Initial Release

1. How Do I add content to the slider?

A: Go to Appearance> Epione Options> Slider and select a category for the slider.
The slider will show the latest posts from that category.
2. How-To change the slider speed:

A: You have to open up “other.js” file from your epione/js theme folder and find:

pause: 2000,

To change the speed you have to change this value to your desired need. The default is 2000 milliseconds. If you want to slow the slider down you have to increase this value and save the file.

Note: If you dont know how to open the other.js file via FTP. Use this plugin:


3. The slider stopped sliding, how to fix that?

A: Its probably a plugin conflict. Disable all the plugins one by one and find out which one is causing this.


4. Whats the right dimension for the slider images?

A: 450px x 230px

The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

  • sorry, it would help if i listed the site. ok. how do i add a video to the slider on the home page? thanks.

  • how do i reorder the pages in the menu bar?

  • Having a brainfart.

    How to change font size in the actual posting only ? Too small in there. All other fonts are good.

    Thx in advance

    • Go to Appearnce> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      body .postcontent{font-size:15px;}

  • I was working with Zenon before but now I’m messing with Epione. I still can’t get the pictures to show up as thumbnails or in the slider. I’ve set them up as featured but still nothing.

    • The problem is not with the themes. You will have to change the permission of the wp-content/uploads/ folder to “755” through FTP. if you don’t know how to do that, ask your host.

  • Thank you. The permissions were changed. But it’s still the same.

    • This sounds like a wordpress issue. Uploaded images are broken. Can you ask this in the wordpress.org forums?

      if you search google for “wordpress uploaded images not showing” you will see various topics about this and the solutions.

  • Hi. Thank you so much for this fantastic theme.

    I have read through the previous pages to find out how to change the font for my page. I have gone through the stylesheet and replaced all: font-family: ‘Lobster1.3Regular’; with font-family: Arial and clicked on update file; however when I review my page the font is still Lobster. Would you be able to tell me if there is something else I need to do after this?


    • Whats your site address Tamara?

    • Hey Towfiq, I had overlooked one of the font-family: Lobster1.3Regular’. All working now. I do have another question though. This site is for a company which I do the marketing for and I need to change the Theme colour to be on brand, is there anyway for me to do this through the stylesheet if I don’t have FTP access?

    • You will have to edit the images file. it cannot be done with css.

  • Is it possible to remove the slider altogether and have a static picture in its place ?

    I like the overall page, but the slider only pulls from posts in categories in the blog. It seems a little redundant to highlight what is already posted.

    What would be great is to be able to show previews of upcoming stuff without them showing up anywhere else in the blog. Can’t do that as far as I can tell with it being posted elsewhere.

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “front-page.php” from right and find this line:

      $sliders->query('category_name= '. $slidecat .'&showposts='. $slidenum .'');

      And replace it with:

                          $sliders->query('category_name= '. $slidecat .'&showposts='. $slidenum .'&post_status=future,publish');

  • Hi. Thanks for this cool theme!

    The slider reproduces the first image from my post. But I’d like it to reproduce an image from further down in the post. Is there a way to control which image it posts (or another image altogether) in the slider? Thanks!

  • Hey–per my last post, just figured out how to remove an image from the slider (Order>999). But now that image is not appearing in the post on the page that also has the slider on it (the home page). Thoughts! FYI, I am a total noob…

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