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Asteria Pro

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Asteria Pro

  • #84575



    I think I would like to purchase the Asteria Pro version of this website. I am nervous about losing my current settings and work. Also, I am not sure where on this template I find the options to update it. Can you walk me through the easiest way to transition from one to the other without losing any of my current settings please?


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Asteria Options> Import/Export and and use the exported file on your live site from Asteria Options> Import/export.



    I am also wanting to upgrade to the pro version. Just to clarify what you stated: so we go into the options on the Asteria theme, click on import/export, then do you select download? This download saved to my downloads folder on my computer. Can you please confirm what you need to do next then to upgrade to the pro version. After updating do you then import the folder that was downloaded from the Lite version?


    Towfiq I.


    after upgrading to pro, install the pro and then Just go to Import/Export Option and import the file you just downloaded.



    Well, I did exactly what you described. First, I exported from the lite theme to creat the file. Then I activatet Asteria Pro and importet. Only I could not upload a file. So I opened the file in a browser and copied the data over.
    I saved that and nothing changed.
    The theme is back to standard settings and looks not very good.
    So I went back to Asteria Lite, this time I copied the link and imported it in Asteria pro via the import from URL function.
    I saved that and still, my options didnt copy over.

    This is very disappointing! Where is my mistake?



    Hi Fabienne, if you are still in the 30 Days after purchase you should contact support and ask for refund. Unfortunately the theme is nearly not supported anymore (just check when was the last time a thread has been solved)



    Hi Tony,

    It didn’t work for me and I then contacted PayPal through their resolution center, they are investigating the guy in question as he still uses his account




    I updated to asteria pro and all the hyperlinks and titles were changed to blue. can someone please help me


    Towfiq I.



    Can you please shoot me a message using this contact page:





    I already did. someone responded and then hasn’t replied to me.

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