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Slider display problem

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite Slider display problem

  • #83583


    I have a problem with Theron Lite slider – it totally ignores either old or new slide “posts” filled thorough “Slider -> Add new” according to the theme’s instructions. I have worked with this theme several months ago and then it was fine, but now it looks like “Featured images” or slider posts can’t be displayed. At the moment slider displays excerpts from the additional text blocks filled through “Theron Front Page Blocks”, and I have manually replaced “slider1.jpg” and “slider2.jpg” files in theme “Images” file folder to make the page look at least a bit “customized” with my own images… Currently I have 4 “slider posts” filled with featured images for slider, but I can’t make it work. I would be very grateful for any ideas on how it can be repaired…


    Towfiq I.


    Are you sure the slides have “published” status? whats your site address?



    Web address is The slides are definitely marked as “Published”, that’s how one of them looks when pressing “View”: (just empty despite the fact that picture is actually uploaded as “featured image”…)


    Towfiq I.


    the theme doesnt let you view it in preview mode. so this link shouldn’t work:



    Well, still the main problem remains – slider “ignores” the slides… Maybe it is possible to reload (manually) any separate files from this theme which are related to slider’s performance, will that help? I just wonder how can I make the slider work properly…


    Towfiq I.


    Please let me know your site’s id/pass through this page and I will take a look at the issue from the backend:




    I have 4 slider images.
    1) There was an accompanying text, but that has disappeared.
    2) The slider images used to move automatically, but they don’t anymore.

    This is probably easy to solve, but it has been a long time since I updated my blog, so I have lost touch with the mechanics… I recently had some other technical issues, so not sure if by fixing those, created these problems.

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