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Clickable Menu Items

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Clickable Menu Items

  • #83231



    Still loving the theme by the way…Working well for me and the company I work for. I was wondering if there is a way to use the a menu title without it being a page? To explain, on the top part of my menu i have “Service Options” with Sub item pages under it that displays “water, Coffee” and etc”. This is to show the services offered. I want the drop down menu to appear while hovering over Service Options, but I do not want Service Options as a page that can be clicked itself. It just wouldnt make sense to have it. Is there a way to disable the menu option from being an actual page?


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Menus and create a custom “Link” menu item adn put a # in the url field and label it “Service Options” and then add the item to your menu. Now drag the submenu items under it.

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