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Categories Are not Sorting Correctly

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Categories Are not Sorting Correctly

  • #82482



    I have managed to get everything up and running correctly with the exception of ONE thing. My Categories on my blog. What I wanted was this:
    Parent Menu = Current Events
    Under this parent menu, I have three sub items
    Community Events
    Current Promotions

    On the posts Section, when I select a post, to the right I select the category so that all posts concerning that topic should only be displayed on the sub-item menu it is associated with. I went through each of my posts and selected a category, and updated the changes. Seems pretty simple.

    Next, I went to the Menu Section under Asteria Pages, and made sure that my three sub items (News, Community Events, and Current Promotions) are located under the parent page Current Events. So my question is why aren’t the posts under their respective titles? What happens when you select News, or Community, or Current Promotions, All of the posts who up on all of them instead of under the categories I have placed them in. What am I doing wrong. I followed the instructions I believe to the letter…


    Towfiq I.


    you did not add categories to your menu. you added custom pages with blog template. The “News”, “Community” & “Current Promotion” pages are not category page, they are custom pages with blog page template. instead of custom page, you should add category pages to your menu.



    Hello –
    I have the same issue. Have added categories (blog and collection) to my menu, but they do not show.
    Thank you.



    FYI – I’ve also tried adding Links (both external and to categories), but they too do not show up.


    Towfiq I.


    replied to your email.



    Thank you. Saw the email. However, category links still do not show – only links to actual pages do. When you visited the website, both category links were in the navigation menu, but they could not be seen. I have since reverted to page links, but all blog posts show regardless if selected or not. Appreciate your help.



    Success! Thank you for your help!
    (Select the “Theme Location” for the menu.)



    Hi, I have a problem. 404 in wanting to see them



    Towfiq I.



    Please go to Settings> General and make sure both your site address and wordpress address are same.

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