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Seems Asteria Lite does not work with WP 4.4.1 (white screen of death)

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Seems Asteria Lite does not work with WP 4.4.1 (white screen of death)

  • #552675


    I am running a website with your theme and a couple of days ago WP upgraded itself to 4.4.1, causing the website to return 503 every time. I can log to the wp-admin page, and other themes seem to work without issues, but asteria crashes. I tried to enable the debug on wp-config, but nothing comes up.
    Have you guys noticed any problems recently on this theme?



    its same with me…… my website also does not work with 4.7.3… white screen of death???

    Please help me to solute this prob….



    Towfiq I.



    Just checked the theme with the latest version of wordpress. its working fine.. please try disabling all the plugins and make sure you are using php verison 5.5+



    girard virginie

    depuis quelques jours je n’arrive plus a modifier les options d’asteria impossible d’accedder a la page ça me ramène a la page d’accueil de mon site! j’ai pourtant acheter la version pro! svp dites moi comment faire !!


    Towfiq I.



    Did you try disabling the plugins?


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