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Zenon Lite Slider Won't Change Slides

Home Forums Free Theme Support Zenon Lite Zenon Lite Slider Won't Change Slides

  • #36116


    Hello there, thank you in advance for your help!

    I’m trying to add multiple slides to the zenon slider. I have made multiple slides with images, and the theme will only show one slide without changing to the others. Any help would be really appreciated, I’m sure it’s a simple fix.

    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Zenon Options and set the number of slides to more than 1.



    Hello Tofiq,
    Thank you so much for your quick response!
    I have the number of slides set to 2, but it only shows the last slide I created instead of panning in between the two.
    Thanks in advance


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    Hey there, my site address is

    Thank you!


    Towfiq I.


    Please re-install the theme.



    I am struggling with this also. I am trying to set it up for a friend and I can’t seem to get the slider working.

    I have set the sliders up in the Slider menu and I have specified 2 sliders in the theme options.

    It just displays the last published slide.

    I have deleted the theme and installed it again.



    Actually I think I have figured it out. I had a fancybox plugin installed. When I uninstalled that it seemed to work OK


    Towfiq I.





    I am unable to edit the sliders as well ?


    Towfiq I.


    it doesnt look like you are using zenon lite.

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