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Advise for styling form elements

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Advise for styling form elements

  • #157339

    Pierre M


    Thank you for the very nice Asteria Lite theme.

    My wordpress website displays a form to collect information. The form is not styled (yet) and is ugly in comparison of the rest of the web site.

    Which styles/classes can I use to style form elements, from labels to text, checkbox, radio button and drop down inputs?
    Of course, I would like to remain as close as possible from the Asteria look and feel. (I only could style buttons.)

    I could definitively copy styles here and there, but they would lack uniformity and certainly run away from Asteria’ styling.

    Many thanks in advance

    Best regards



    Towfiq I.


    can you post the link of the page where the form is visible?


    Pierre M

    I finnaly have a screendump with ugly form elements (standard webkit on mac) and I created in photoshop a possible mockup of what I’d love to have:

    Styling Form Elements?



    Towfiq I.


    it might not be possible to have radio buttons like that. send me the page link.


    Pierre M

    Well, I can’t send you a website with all css form designed element, otherwise, I would steal it!
    I found these illustrations to start inspiration.

    especially the Clean UI Kit ()

    <== best guess

    and of course…

    What I’d love from Asteria, is a consistent set of form UI elements that I can use in post, contact forms, and the like.

    Thank you and best regards,


    Pierre M

    Towfiq I.


    implementing a ui kit will make the theme size bigger and make the page load time slow. so this will not be implemented.
    hope you understand.

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