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gallery bug

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite gallery bug

  • #144989


    Hi. There seems to be a bug in my galleries. The next/prev buttons seems to display (couple of them visible) for each image and some images overlay.
    But when I click on a thumbnail everything goes back to normal…
    Can you take a look at my fronpage posts (they’re linking to galleries)?
    Thanks in advance and really sorry to bother.



    Hello again. Anyone having the same issue? It’s something wrong with the”fa-chevron” I guess. If the images in galleries are of the same size it’s ok but with different sizes the next/prev button seems to stay there. I hope I’m making any sense.
    Please help:)


    Towfiq I.


    open up gallery.js file from asteria/js folder and try replacing the gallery.js code with this:



    Thanks for reply but changing the code but it didn’t fix the problem.
    I’m trying different galleries plugins now (just on the first frontpage post) but nothing is as good as yours really…
    Any other solutions?


    Towfiq I.


    add this to your custom CSS:


    and then load your gallery and press ctrl+f5 couple of times and it should display fine.



    Thank you:)



    Hi Towfiq, I hope this finds you well

    A couple of things…
    Firstly, I have noted when opening the website on my ipad it does not let you go to posts, if you click on the images nothing happens?
    Secondly, Beautiful Gallery, When setting this up and adding to the page, it does not display the first image but it shows a small black square with a cross in it, but if you click on that then it does take you to the gallery litebox so you can go through the images there? see: (under terms & conditions)
    Thirdly, when doing posts etc how can you enlarge the font size for the text that you want to put in, the only option I see is bold or italic and I need to in certain words increase the font size?
    Finally, I see that there is an upgrade for Asteria lite – do I need to do this and if so, will I lose any of the code that we have entered in previously and need to add that in again?
    Looking forward to hearing from you – Sue 🙂

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