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Slider image size

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Slider image size

  • #130153



    I have problems with the image size on the images im uploading to the front page slider.

    Is there a way that I can control the size of the image on the slider?

    It seems to me that Asteria is scaling the images.


    Towfiq I.


    make sure the images have the width of 1200px.

    whats your site address?



    I’m also having trouble with this.

    Under the Asteria options I set the slider height to 800px. I then resized several images to 1200width and 800height, and set them as the slider images. However it doesnt seem to be the right aspect ratio because they’re being cropped height wise, the width is perfect. for the slider, is what the image should fully look like.

    I greatly appreciate your assistance!


    Towfiq I.



    Yea, I changed some things around after I posted this. However I’m confused because I had to change the image size to what the sample pictures were and the heigh to the same (760px). Which is strange because the default slider height I think is 600px. So I’m confused about that. Why are the image heights different than what the slider height is supposed to be?

    In re-sizing the images (thanks for the easy link) the aspect ratios don’t ever match when trying to go to 1200px wide, which results in a slight “squishing” of the images.

    So if my slider height is 600px (because I’d like to change it back from 760px) what should my image height be? I would assume 600px but the sample images looked the best but they were set at 760…

    Again, great theme and thank you so much for your assistance! The wife and I are definitely considering buying the pro!


    Towfiq I.


    just make sure the width is 1200px. the height could be any. Then you can just Go to Asteria Options> Slider> Slider Height and write “auto” in the field.




    I have two request:

    1. My page use asteria theme, I want put some slider on the frontpage as full page image but when I use auto on the configuration slider asteria the size of the image shows bigger than the screen.
    If I don´t use use auto size configuration the image is showed cut.
    How Could I resolve it?

    2. I could use VPML on the frontpage slider?

    Thanks a lot



    Greetings to all, first of all excellent this topic Asteria Pro, but does not maintain the slider banner when entering an entry or post, how to fix this?

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