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Extending top navigation menu/ changing margins*

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite Extending top navigation menu/ changing margins*

  • #129616


    Hi there, you’ve been a huge help before when I’ve had website customization inquiries. I was hoping you’d find a solution to this little issue I’m having.

    I have further extended the width of my website pages. However, in doing so, it has resulted in 2 grey bars on either side of my top navigation menu (seen here):

    Is there a way to remove these by widening the menu to match the width of the pages? Perhaps it requires tweaking the margins/ padding? Or even just finding a way to turn them black to match the color scheme of the website?

    I’m learning as I go, so I greatly appreciate any ways to troubleshoot this.

    Thanks so much!


    Towfiq I.


    Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

    body #header #menu_wrap{background:none!important;}



    It worked! Such a simple solution. You are the BEST! Thank you!


    Elizabeth Jauregui


    Can you help me reduce the size of the margin between the Logo and the Title and page content.
    Here is my test website


    Towfiq I.


    Add this to your Custom CSS:



    Elizabeth Jauregui


    Yes! that is perfect. Thanks for your prompt reply!


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