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Social Sharing Icons

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Social Sharing Icons

  • #125976


    Two things – first, how do I the Delicious and Digg social icons? Also, my instagram and linkedin icons are not showing up – please advise 🙂


    Towfiq I.


    sorry. no these 2 cannot be added.
    and did you add the links from the theme options page? whats your site address?


    Kurt Kramer


    Is there a way to add Fiverr? Is it a possibility with the Pro version?


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address Kurt?


    Kurt Kramer


    I’m currently hosting it locally, so I do not have it live at the moment. It’s only set up with the basics so far, so if there is code to add or adjust, I can do that.


    Towfiq I.


    ok. just let me know which header type you are using and where is your social icons displayed?


    Kurt Kramer


    Header Type 4 and they default to showing in the footer – I’ve copied that code to show in the header as well.

    <div class=”head_soc”>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘facebook_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-facebook”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘twitter_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-twitter”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘gplus_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-google-plus”></i> <?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘youtube_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-youtube-play”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘flickr_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-flickr”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘linkedin_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-linkedin”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘pinterest_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-pinterest”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘tumblr_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-tumblr”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘instagram_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-instagram”></i><?php } ?>
    <?php if(!empty($asteria[‘rss_field_id’])){ ?>“><i class=”fa-rss”></i><?php } ?>


    Towfiq I.


    add this:

    <a target="_blank" class="ast_fvr" href="your fiverr url here"><img src="" /></a>

    after this:

            <?php if(!empty($asteria['rss_field_id'])){ ?><a target="_blank" class="ast_rss" href="<?php echo $asteria['rss_field_id']; ?>"><i class="fa-rss"></i></a><?php } ?>   


    TowfiqI you are the man!!!! Do you know that?


    Kurt Kramer


    Thanks Towfiq, this works for placement, but do you have any special way you format the icons so they have a similar look/design?


    Towfiq I.


    @kkrame201 whats your site address?

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