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Displaying Photos in Folders

Home Forums Misc. General Forums Displaying Photos in Folders

  • #12243



    I would like to be able to display images on my Gallery page in folders so that the user can click on an image and it will take them to a page with lots of pictures from that theme.

    I have tried using Lazyest Gallery, but found that even though my pictures were not over the specified size, it would not load them and I had to crop each picture way down to get it to work…

    I have tried NextGen Gallery and could load the images but could not get them to display using the code [nggallery id=xxx].

    Do you have any other options for me or recommendations how to use these tools in a better way? I am mostly looking for ease of use so that I can add pictures quickly without major editing.



    Towfiq I.


    Sorry for the late reply. Could you do it like this:

    Create different gallerias and link them to your images manually.

    let me know.




    I am not quite sure how to do that – can you give me any more detail on that?




    Nevermind! I figured it out…thanks!