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How to remove the hover effect [color] of highlighting the Blocks on front page?

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite How to remove the hover effect [color] of highlighting the Blocks on front page?

  • #101093


    Hello Towfiq ,
    As my title says , how to remove the hover effect [color] of highlighting on Blocks on front page?

    I.e. When i bring the mouse over one of the 4 blocks on front page , the background color of that block on which the mouse is brought changes to green . I want to remove that green background effect so that no background color will be seen .

    Please see this image for more details –

    Awaiting your reply


    Towfiq I.


    Add this to the very bottom of your Stylesheet:

    body .midrow_block:hover{color:#999!important; background:none!important;}



    Thanks for the fast reply Towfiq 🙂
    That fixed it !



    Hi Towfiq!

    I blocked hovering from the midrow but titles change color anyway. Any thoughts?



    Towfiq I.


    Add this to your stylesheet:

    .midrow_block:hover h3{color:#333!important;}

    beth olson


    Just wanted to add real quick that if you want to keep the color rollover effect but remove just the jump/bounce effect of the front page midrow block rollovers I did this by going to wp-content>themes>Asteria>Asteria.js

    Find this bit of code:

    	//Block Animation
    if (jQuery(window).width() > 480) {
    	jQuery(this).stop().animate({ "color":sechovertext, "backgroundColor":sechover, "paddingTop":"0px" }, 200);
    	jQuery(this).find('.icon_wrap i').animate({ "color":sechovertext }, 200);
    	jQuery(this).find('.midrow_block:hover .block_img').animate({ "borderColor":sechovertext }, 200);
    	}, function(){
    	jQuery(this).stop().animate({ "color":primarytext, "backgroundColor":"transparent", "paddingTop":"2%" }, 200);	
    	jQuery(this).find('.icon_wrap i').animate({ "color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)" }, 200);
    	jQuery(this).find('.midrow_block:hover .block_img').animate({ "borderColor":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)" }, 200);

    Remove the “paddingTop”:”0px”
    this will keep the color roll over but remove how it jumps on rollover.

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